Reviews from

in the past

Torre defesa... e só.........

Idk why everyone is hating on this so much. I have played through it a couple times, trying to find different ways to beat each level. I really like tower defense games and it's a shame this game wasn't as popular as it should've been.

It's a good tower defense game that for some reason didn't get all the attention it would have deserved. Only problem with this game was that the difficulty was so tight that there often was only one correct way to arrage your towers in order to progress. When strategy game does this, it stops being an strategy game and it becomes a puzzle game with one solution you have to figure out. You are then not forming a strategy but figuring out that one predefined solution.

simplíssimo mas difícil para um caralho. Me peguei que nem um cracudo jogando essa desgraça por mais de seis horas sem parar, obstinado a completar pelo menos UM cenário W2 e agora que consegui espero nunca mais ver a cara dele.

obs: ótimo jogo pra ouvir podcasts

A great idea, cute aesthetics and fun early levels, ruined by an impossible difficulty beyond those first few stages.

Played this on my iPod like crazy in High School, but finally beat all the maps on PSP tonight. It's far too punishing to be enjoyable, but is packed with charming design. You'll be playing a LOT of it if you choose to puzzle it all out yourself like I did, but it's a must for tower-defense die-hards.

Otherwise you can definitely pick a better title to play, but you should still stare at it, longingly thinking about what it could have been, for a while...