Reviews from

in the past

Most of people, me included, will see this game as a story between two girls game developers fragmented by a simple "Gameboy style" game between each scene. I arrived to a point in which my incredible inaptitude with platform games made me skip very quickly the gaming sections to just focus on the story between the two friends. And... Boy, does the story hit you like a bag of bricks...

I went in knowing that this game was gonna hit hard as a fellow game developer and it did in such a bittersweet way. I adored the art, the music, and the puzzle platformer bits. However, I was surprised that after getting a game over it would continue the story! It made me wish that retrying didn't lose a life because I genuinely wanted to beat all the levels. It's definitely a game I needed right now and I'm looking forward to Yo Fujii's next game!

Wanted to love this game but it left me feeling a bit let down. Did not care for the Blocks gameplay and thought the narrative flitted around between different timeframes that left me lost at times. It is what it is, though. Still appreciated my time with it.

Una historia sobre el proceso creativo y la amistad interrumpida a ratos con uno de los mejores juegos de puzles y plataformas que podría haber salido en Game Boy. O viceversa. Dura dos horas, imprescindible.

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I really enjoyed that there was a plot twist in the end credits! The rest was OK.