Reviews from

in the past

uhhh, yeah, so this game is kinda sorta really bad. i feel shitty for even saying that abt an indie game, and im not even sure what the development of this game was like. was this one guy's shitpost? was this a paycheck for some devs? someone's first game? i don't know!

what i do know is that this game feels awful to control. it wants to be a high speed fps kinda like titanfall but your character gets so attached to walls youd think they were made of honey and the sprinting speed feels like you're constantly running on ice with your socks on. the guns are okay but they run out of ammo way too quickly, and there's nothing you can do to harm enemies if you run out of ammo. no melee or anything like that.

i think my biggest gripe with the game is the grappling hook. now, don't get excited like i did when i found out there was a grappling hook in beloved indie darling guns and fishes, because it controls like dogwater! you use it by clicking down middle mouse button (keep in mind you can't change controls in game and right mouse button is literally used for nothing) and the range of how far the grappling hook will go and if it will grapple on to anything feels like pure luck, so most of the time i just ended up whiffing a jump and falling into the pit. the momentum gained from the grappling hook is also awful, the physics in the game are already fucked beyond belief and most of the time the grappling hook just doesn't carry any of it after a swing. sometimes if it's nice enough it'll just send you flying past where you wanted to go! off the side of a building! (this happened a lot)

this isn't, like, the worst game ever made, or anything like that, but it's still a pretty bad game. i got 20 levels in and all the steam achievements, which is basically completing the game, especially since it just copy and pastes pieces of previous levels into new ones. it isn't procedurally generated, they were just that lazy. so, yeah.

Worst movement in any game I've played this year, however I think I completed every single level incorrectly upon receiving the grappling hook which did make it somewhat fun anyway