Reviews from

in the past

It's not surprising that the short-length escape from City 17 is less impressive in scope and novelty compared to its prequel, but it's slightly disappointing. Apart from some of the repetitive sequences (pushing cars over ant piles, escorting civilians) Episode One still has some truly great level design and encounters that carry over from the previous games.

Still pretty good, more of Half-Life 2 except way shorter, more tedious, and less exciting, but more Alyx is always a bonus.

This is essentially Half-Life 2, but even better in my opinion! The game is divided into different distinct sections, and all of them have a different game feel to them. While there are no vehicle sections, that is more than made up for by the flow that this game had. I completed this game in one single sitting without taking any breaks. A game that lets you do that is incredible in my books. The final battle against a Strider is also one of the best fights in the Half-Life series. Simply amazing!

Not as good as Episode 2 or Half Life 2, but a nice enough game on its own.

More of the same mostly, at least they really played with the darkness this time around, although I would have preferred this have been used in Ravenholm. This crystallizes my problems with 2 though; a ton of set pieces without any variety. This was fine in 1 because there was a new weapon or mechanic being introduced constantly, but here it's just jury rigged aspects of source used to propel a narrative that doesn't have much going on.

EP1 es totalmente olvidable, la mision de escolta mas larga de la historia y realmente no pasa nada, lo podian haber metido al final de HL2 sin más.

not quite as good as half life 2 or the next episode, but still a really good game expansion. a few too many dark areas reliant on a flashlight that runs out in about 30 seconds, in situations that require longer than that, and the story doesn't go very far from where 2 left off. still play it, episode 2 absolutely makes up for what shortcomings episode 1 has

A very short Half-Life experience that's held up surprisingly well. Its short length allows it to try new things with tech and experiment more with unique level designs and set-pieces at a more constant rate than on the main game. Its an all killer, no filler experience that does a great job at expanding and continuing the story of the main game.

Weaker than the main 2 but still great in its own right

ever notice that everyone in this game runs like they didnt wipe well?

copying over Half-Life 2 score as I consider it all one experience in my head

Yo creo que tendría que ser ilegal jugar al half-life 2 y no jugar a los dos episodios también.

I've always considered episode 1 and 2 part of the Half Life 2 experience. Easily one of the best games ever made.

This is how expansions should be made. Awesome in every way, but a little short.

é realmente só um prólogo para o final mesmo...

I didn't like Half-Life 2 until I played this.

Mas de half life 2 y eso es epico cancerbero

Primer juego que termino en 2021.

Esta bueno el primer episodio, no le llega al juego base, pero esta buenardo.

THERE REALLY REALLY REALLY is no face fucker alien in this, still! fuck off!

افضل إضافة فالتاريخ1

'the one free bullet' is the worst thing man has invented