Reviews from

in the past

Absolute monstrosity of a platformer but then again it's no surprise considering this was published by the hacks at Blast! Entertainment.

Meant to be based off of the cartoon series that airs on CITV but the ugly as fuck graphics make Mr. Bean look more like a hideously deformed gremlin pretending to be Mr. Bean than a cartoon portrayal of the character.

It's platforming by numbers except if there were no numbers and no challenge of any kind and I sure do love coming across the various clones of Mrs. Wicket because they couldn't be arsed to have some variation with enemies. That old lady sure gets around places.

Oh and the "plot" is that you're supposed to rescue Teddy who's been kidnapped but the other versions start with a different cutscene from the show itself that doesn't even have anything to do with the main plot, so let's be honest, there isn't actually much of a plot.

A total cash in through and through.

Played this complete piece of shit for 20 minutes.
Soft locked the game and received a copyright strike on my YouTube channel

i couldnt last 5 minutes(mr bean is so hot)

why is the horizontal camera inverted