Reviews from

in the past

Shout out to some folks at Youtube and I for being the only people on the fucking planet that tried to get through this game.

The Aeon Flux adaptation that never was is a strange game: on one hand it is known (to those who even know it at all) as one of the worst games on the PS1, on the other you get the feeling it could have been so much more with just a little bit of extra polish.

The story is as 90s as it gets: in a future world where only women with big tits exist, the titular Pax Corpus, a VR machine created to ease the suffering of depressed people, is converted into a mind control weapon by a woman with big tits. Only a woman with big tits can save womanity from this terrible threat.

The moment to moment gameplay isn't even that bad: dodging incoming fire and blasting enemies is actually kind of fun, and the player movement is responsive enough. What really destroys the experience are the load times (close to a minute a pop, and frequent at that) and especially the horrendous jumping sections over death pits, which, combined with janky jumping controls, will send you back to a loading screen and the start of the level every single time you fail.

The bosses are all atrocious: without exception they are irritating puzzle encounters requiring stupid amounts of trial and error to bypass, with no fun involved whatsoever.

These issues are what makes Pax Corpus a disaster, and it's a shame. French developers of the time had a knack for producing games that were almost fun, but with one or two devastating problems that completely demolish the fun factor.

Worst game on the PS1? Not even close, but still really bad due to how punishing the jumping puzzles are. If you're curious to see what it's all about, play it with save states, or not at all.

It was a mistake to boot up this game