Reviews from

in the past

Didn't play but looks completely like ass so I'll skip

I keep coming back to see this and write something new about my hate for Kuro every now and then because damn, the more I see about this game the more it scares me away, I fucking hate the character design and it becoming another mine of porn and "mature" story as if Cold Steel didn't trample on that enough and seeing everyone gas it up makes me cry
I just want Kuro to be over with so I can skip it peacefully and see if the new arc at least has some decency and Falcom finally retiring Enamid because damn he really doesn't know how to make good character designs

A good start to my most anticipated arc in Kiseki. The cast is probably the best since Sky and Van is a stellar protagonist. The battle system could use some polish but it's definitely on its way there. The OST has its moments but is sadly a bit weak due to a large talent exodus in Falcom's sound team jdk. My biggest gripe with Kuro as things stand is the writing, which, while not terrible, doesn't hold the momentum from the excellent Chapters 1 and 2. The mafia antagonists seldom behave like an actual mafia while the plot point of an immigration crisis promised in earlier arcs isn't delivered on very well. It's a fun game but today's Falcom is perhaps focused too much on the sci-fi, the supernatural and the showy. While these elements can definitely be exciting, they tend to be at their best as garnish for more grounded, human struggles, a touch of magic to make the ordinary seem extraordinary. Perhaps I'm being a bit unfair to hold 2021's Kuro no Kiseki to the standard of what Falcom started building in the early 00s but they are so, so close to making something great. All they need is to find that bit of harmony between the classic and the modern.




The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki

Vaya juegazo la verdad, sorprende lo que se han atrevido a hacer en este juego.

La trama, los escenarios, los diseños, la OST del final y los personajes, todo me ha encantado. Pasa a mi top 3 de la saga claramente.


Kuro 2 YA.


My favorite Kiseki game and a great start to the Calvard arc. If the rest of the arc is as banger as this, it might become my favorite arc in the series. Anyway, VAN ARKRIDE MY GOAT

I'm lazy to write and do reviews to backloggd so I will make a summary

A much more mature game than the previous ones in the franchise

Individually, there are some amazing characters that caught my attention, but as a complete cast it's far from the best in the franchise

Agnès is the best main heroine ever made in this franchise so far even though I don't like her seiyuu too much

I wanna see more things about Van because I like him a lot, but I like all others protagonists than him

This game used some EXTREMELY interesting ideas that no other Kiseki had, I think if you've played you'll understand what I'm saying


easily the game with the worst soundtracks in the franchise

probably Kuro is a prologue to the great climax of the franchise and is fulfilling its role well


almata was kinda mid

Still overcoming the fact that shizuna uses a nodachi on her waist, it's physically impossible to get the sword out of there, first time kiseki physically misses, hope they fix it in kuro 2

I've high hopes for kuro 2 because of certain things

I think this is all I've to say without spoilers

tl;dr: Kuro no Kiseki has its ups and downs, but it was the second best starting point.
I don't understand much why this game is so hyped, as it didn't present interesting things as many people like to talk about imo

Youko Hikasa Cringe Fail compilation

My, man the Goat. the Myth, the Legend, Coming in with the swim trunks and Coming out with the Hoes im taking about

I'll write stuff later but tldr this is the quintessential trails game that hammers home everything there is to love about the series and more, as well as being an amazing game in its own right it somehow managed to not only a introduction game for the arc but taking a lot of ideas from the previous games, lore, characters and paint with their own style just like the spriggans would.

From Beyond The Dawn episodes to this, it only enforces that this series is truly special and will never be replicated. It's been a year since starting the series and finishing Sky FC, and still has been rent free for that time period.

Took me 6 months, some burn out, some bumming around and sm issues with remote play to warrant me swapping to the pc version but yeah, its as good as people make it out to be.

Good job kondo and falcom, and here's hoping Kuro 2 will also be just as good.

A new start and a whole new region to explore!

The game follows Van Arkride, self-proclaimed “not an old man” who is a Spriggan (裏解決屋, urakaiketsuya, literally underhanded/hidden fixer), a title that refers to someone who does underworld odd jobs that Bracers or the Police won’t accept. A girl named Agnès Claudel approaches him to help her find an item that was stolen, later known as a Genesis, and it’s the sole item of interest that’s collected throughout the game. The villains use it and you basically collect one every chapter.

What the Crossbell games did amazingly well, I feel like Kuro is on par too with most of the activities being set in Edith, Calvard while exploring neighboring cities too. This is probably the most “modern’ society that’s really similar to real life and Van has a cool pick-up truck too.

The NPCs this time around are pretty lively and by doing sidequests, you run into them more often and characters actively bring up the sidequest you’ve done, giving it a much stronger continuity flow as you get more familiar with the city and its inhabitants. You’re probably going to be stopping by the Taco stand a lot.

Kuro has a medium sized cast, and most characters get decent amount of focus and development. Maxim, Dingo, and Jack were standouts and I just love the cast interactions.

Now if you play the majorly incomplete patch, be aware there’s basically a million typos, forced memes that may or may not be funny to you, and awkward use of profanity in sentences that don’t need it, and Aaron’s lines are usually never translated if you choose him as your side partner during the free time of the game.

NPCs are usually not translated either, but as someone who studies Japanese and translates manga as a hobby, the untranslated NPCs actually help world build and I especially noticed this during the Maxim and Judith scandal where I just loved reading the gossip of what people had to say regarding the Buzz Radar articles.

There’s an alignment system ranging from Law, Gray, and Chaos where the player can influence Van’s choice, usually in the sidequests. For the most part, it only changes some aspect of the game on the guest characters that will be aiding you throughout Chapter 5 and the Finale.

The game removed minigames though so it’s a bit sad, no more real fishing, but there’s a segment in Longlai where you talk to an NPC and Van will fish, but it’s not an actual minigame of any kind.

The field combat is mostly just an expanded version of previous Trails game, now with the ability to roll around and do an actual full combo. Attack enough and a monster will be stunned, and you can switch from the field action combat to the traditional turn based combat and gain a field advantage buff just like in previous games.

Turn-based combat sees a difference too. You have a gauge similar to Hajimari, but Valiant attacks are removed in favor of just boosting a singular attack, and you can now freely move and attack in the same turn and that’s just rad.

I’ve seen people argue that Kuro is an okay starting point because it doesn’t an an important carryover subplot in the same vein that Zero had, but I think if you’re looking at hopping on to play a game that’s not even fully translated even during story cutscenes that you should probably just look at the past games.

My only major gripe is that the “Finale” chapter had me feeling like I was thrown into something plot heavy that isn’t really touched too much upon and is then quickly glanced over.

Trails villains are usually hit or miss and here I feel like they are a little bit underdeveloped to the point where most of the backstory for these characters had to be revealed through a deceased character’s journal being read aloud to the characters.

The only villains that have the most active screentime is Melchior whose whole gimmick is that he basically gets to murder innocent characters scot free and basically retreats for most of the game. His backstory is loosely tied to his backgrounds from the "Organization" as they called it in CSIV's Three and Nine, but is actually called Garden.

Gerard being the ultimate villain is a bit lackluster. His motivation is actually left unclear for a good majority of the game and when prompted why he's doing all this bloodshed, it's merely because he's bored, which isn't very good from a writing perspective, and the the execution of tying him to Van's backstory right before he becomes the punching bag as the penultimate boss is just kinda bad and I wish he had a more prominent role than doing what he did to Creil and the Oracion Tournament arc was just out of place and felt really weak. "Let's settle whether or not I will pull the trigger and nuke 280,000 civilians in a tournament-style proxy match multiple times in the sewers" and literally everyone complies and agrees to do it.

There's something definitely going wrong when the sidequests are more enjoyable than the progressing plot of Kuro with Almata that it baffles me how they manage to write some of the best sidequests to explore Calvard and the underworld, but made such one note "I'm bad" villains that even the bad villains of the previous entries that were considered one note join your side and look more fleshed out by comparison.

However, the game ends more or less satisfying enough for me as it does the traditional Trails "Power of Friendship" to overcome the odds, with only one Genesis left to get. I’m really excited to start Crimson Sin because the game set a solid foundation, and the rating is personally biased in that it's setting up something great with the characters and the overall setting, but just the villains fell more flat than typical Trails standards.

Nihon Falcom's JRPG The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki was unequivocal, undeniable proof that mankind as a collective species has triumphed over God. It is a literary masterpiece with no flaws whatsoever. I would have five hours of sweaty, rigorous sex with the protagonist Van Arkride. I would raise one hundred billion dollars and hand-deliver it to the palms of his hands, all while licking his balls. If he were to get an incurable disease I would singlehandedly develop a cure for it and use it only on him. I would reanimate the corpse of one of his beloved dead relatives. All of this wouldn't even begin to show my love for him for his part in creating this Michelangelo-level piece of art.

I have played Kuro over 50 times. I know every line and scene down to the last detail. If I was asked to reenact the entire 100 hour long journey I could do it with flawless detail and precision. Once my physical version of Kuro no Kiseki arrives I will have sex with it. You cannot stop me.

The best Kiseki game. The cast is incredible, the story is engaging the whole time (none of those boring chapters where nothing happens at all), there is a clear focus on the character stories while ignoring the grand scheme of things (which already became boring by CS4, so I appreciate it)...

The worst thing about this game was the OST. The same 3-4 songs playing constantly and the important moments didn't have those hard hitting tunes that this franchise always delivers with.

I hope this trend of not having a gigantic cast and not bringing everyone and their mothers from the past to the new games continues.

The villains are engaging, cool and have that "bad guy" atmosphere until the very last chapter, where they become completely irrelevant and it feels like they're there just for the sake of telling Van's story.

Van is the best character until now in this franchise, period. Finally a protagonist that is smart, mature and has a personality that anyone can relate with. His backstory is also not told from the first 5 minutes of the fucking game and it makes sense how long it takes to learn about him given how he is the kind of character that listens about the problems of the world, but never tells about his own.

Another great thing about Van and his group is that you finally feel again (haven't felt like this since Azure) like they are the weaklings and the rest of the villains and even allies are way stronger than them. There's true tension throught this game and you really don't know what is gonna happen or who is gonna die at any given time.

For the final note I must say, I LOVE how this story is MUCH more mature than the past ones. PLEASE FALCOM, keep giving us stuff like this, like Renne's story, like Kevin's story... The Legend of Heroes isn't meant to be a story for kids, It's ment to be a story for grown men.

kuro 2 is gonna be the best game of all time

Sakata Gintoki’s brother Van Arkride saved my life

I can say without a doubt this is my favorite first story arc game in the series thus far, (dethroning Zero in the process) and exactly the sort of direction I've wanted them to take the series in for awhile now. The writers seemed to have finally gotten the hint of their mistakes in the Cold Steel saga, because there were quite a few moments that were really shocking. The main party members were all really likeable, and had their great moments.

Van was also really refreshing as a protagonist. He's a good guy, but also isn't a starry-eyed youth that thinks everyone can/should be saved/forgiven. He has his fun quirks (mega sweet tooth, car nut, sauna lover) that is a nice offset to the darker more serious vibe he gives. He looks out for others but in more subtle ways and helps guide the outcome rather than sticking his neck into every problem.

As for gameplay, I was a bit skeptical on the idea of an action battle system in trails at first. But it's really fun once I got used to it, it's a bit limited rn because falcom's obviously just testing the waters, but it has potential to be something more.


This game feels very different after 5 games of the Cold Steel gameplay formula. A bit easier for the most part but still very fun. I think being able to position your party members on the field opens a lot of possibilities.

The "combo" system is an amazing addition because it really pushes you to find what does the most hits as you get a damage increase the longer you go. Hitting a 300 hit combo feels amazing, albeit making the damage cap out after hitting 100 hits makes it a little less satisfying.

Field combat is another great idea, and a great expansion of the preemptive attack system from Crossbell/Cold Steel. I think some of the animations have a bit too much endlag but otherwise its really fun by the end of the game.

The one thing the combat is really lacking is a transition from cutscene into battle like previous entries. I get why it doesn't have one as combat is seamless with field gameplay but I think it would've been nice for story battles.

Not to go into too much story detail, but I really like that they wrapped up the story in one game. Sometimes, I like a non-cliffhanger. On top of that, we got a lot of insight into Van's backstory in the first game. I love that.

Van's not my fav protag rn, but I can easily see why people like him. I think visually he reminds me of both Rean and Lloyd (done on purpose I'm sure) while still having his own flair. It's a nice change of perspective to have a protag who already knows what they're doing.

In terms of music, I felt myself a bit letdown by the lack of leitmotif, but there are definitely some bangers in this ost. The battle theme, I felt lacked the right energy at first but it grew on me more and more as the game went on. This game also has one of the best final dungeon themes in the series IMO.

At this point, I'm just rambling. I only gave this game a four star but I think I can say after typing this all out that I love it.

I dunno why this game has been getting review bombed on here recently.

Anyways, I will admit my current opinions on this game are that it's great, but also mixed.

I do feel like the story doesn't exactly live up to the potential it starts out with. But it doesn't matter too much because even with playing just a decent translation meant to help you understand the story and nothing more, I actually really like these characters more than most Trails casts, a lot.

Van Arkride's morally grey attitude is just what the series needed. It never feels too edgy or contrived and straddles that line between "light and dark" as the game puts it, perfectly. For the most part, this game does feel a little more mature than the other Trails games.

Until the end. I have issues with the finale chapter. It's a little stretched out and while a cool twist gets revealed, the rest of it does feel like the standard "go through the final dungeon hallway gauntlet, beat the final boss" ect. It's very by the books.

That being said I bet they are saving most of the cool story moments for Kuro 2, but given recent events with the Zerofield takedown I bet I won't be playing that for quite a while unless some brave souls translate it before NISA puts it out.

If there's another thing that's really good about this game, it's the gameplay. Switching between action and turn based combat is actually really neatly implemented. Turn based having an advantage sometimes and vice versa is cool too.

However I almost wish they did... more with this switch? The formula is mostly stun the enemy in action combat, deplete a bit of health, then activate turn based combat before the stun goes away. Fun, but you start to see how repetitive it is after 50 or so hours.

Maybe mixing things up a bit and having enemies deactivating your shard would be cool... they can already force you into it if you get hit enough? I think it would be a neat idea to play around with but maybe Falcom doesn't want to get that meta.

Great game though. Good start to the arc. Looking forward to playing Kuro 2 from my retirement home.

De los mejores inicios de arco que he vivido en esta saga.
A pesar de que los capítulos introductorios de personajes no me han gustado mucho, conocer a Van y a todos los integrantes de Arkride Solutions Office ha sido todo un viaje.
Las últimas 10 horas no paran de tirar información y plottwists a la cara, juegazo como la saga me tiene acostumbrado.


Incredible fucking game. I loved it from start to finish and never wanted it to end even when it did. Van is an amazing protagonist and honestly one of my favourites in anything ever, and the cast overall is great. The gameplay shift from real-time to turn-based is also excellently implemented, taking advantage of both while not feeling overwhelming or confusing at all

With another amazing OST to accompany it, the game feels like such a breath of fresh air for the series, whilst still upholding it's main value of continuity, and it helped me fall in love with it all over again like I did with Sky. Absolutely can't wait to play the sequel when I can

Been a year and a half since I've played and unlike the cold steel games my opinion has only gone up with time. Still want to see what they do with later games in this arc (Playing 2 rn) but as it stands I think this is the single best entry in the series and I have so few problems with this game it's actually near perfect.

my expectations were very high going in from all the praise and it smashed them all

I get it.