Reviews from

in the past

A fun retelling of the classic Zelda with some changes to the overall game structure. There are now events and items tied to game progression, which changes up the gameplay dramatically from the original. This makes it much more linear than the original, but still fun. There are still plenty of secrets around to find.

As well as this, a lot of the limitations that the original did are not present here, such as a hard limit of 255 rupees. However, this game is also dramatically easier than the original (not that this is a bad thing), and a lot of items make the game a breeze (the mighty boomerang in particular). Though, I will say, a lot of the easiness happens in the latter half of the game. It's still pretty challenging in the first half.

Some of the ease may also be due to the more linear approach to the quest. Initially, the game keeps you locked into the southeast portion of the map, but opens up as Triforce pieces are collected (and items unlocked). For example, one section of the map is completely cut off until you get the candle. The top section of the map is cut off by needing the raft. A few dungeons can still be done out of order, however.

However, despite its more linear approach, it's still a pretty fun game altogether. If you have the chance to play it, do so.

Played through emulation. This is an interesting take on the first game. With some proper story elements added in, Third Quest is a very intriguing experience. There are also specific rewards for completing certain amounts of dungeons. I wish it would get a wider release, so that people could see what could have been with the series!

This version is so good, but so good that I can't play the original anymore, despite still having some dated things from the original, but in return it made the game a little more balanced, if you never played the first Zelda, I recommend this remake, mainly because now the areas are a little smaller, being very good to explore.

Update: better than A Link to the Past, yeah, screw this.