Reviews from

in the past

better than season 2 (which isn’t saying much)

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Yayyyy Gabe died, I mean oh no how sad

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I take the credit I've given Telltale back. Remember the neat decision in the last episode involving Tripp and Ava? Well, they decided to just kill the one who lived in the lamest way possible. Congrats Telltale, for screwing up such a great moment. The rest of the episode is still great, but I'm bitter about how they killed off the one who survived.

I think it's interesting that the choices you make while you play as Clem during the flashbacks effects how the episode ends. I'm glad the decisions there have some meaning. I thought it was strange that the game lets us make choices when it shouldn't matter since it's a flashback. In the end, I guess it did.

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I loved this. It was such a fulfilling end to the story and to my choices. Like with Kenny in season 2, I think David is a very troubled person who was just a few steps away from being a good person, and I wanted to see that to fruition, but instead he met an early demise of his making. Still, though, I nearly always sided with him because I felt he was usually right, and I tried my best to support him.

Kate really pulled through in this episode. I loved her caring for the family in the earlier episodes, but I didn't want Javi to be in a relationship with her. It felt wrong. But by the end here, I really like her. She's resolute in feeling that she needs to help fix Richmond, and make up for the damage she accidentally caused. I love a strong resolve in a character, and she had the fire. At the end, she wanted to be at arms length with Javi, although they still very much care for each other. That's pretty much the ending I wanted (uh, apparently "distant" is the worst ending you can get with her, but I'm still fine with it)

With Gabe, I tried to send him down a path of empathy and to be mostly like Javi, but I also wanted him to still love his father. I think I pretty much succeeded in that. I guess if I went after him on the motorcycle I could have gotten the best outcome with him, but I'm glad I did what I did.

Also, I didn't find out until looking things up for this review that Kenny or Jane appear in flashbacks for this season and that's their final appearance. That's kind of lame. They both die no matter what. They couldn't find some other excuse?

My choices:

-Stood with David on the ledge (you must really hate David to not do this)
-Denied relationship with David (he doesn't believe you no matter what your relationship with him or Kate lol)
-Repeatedly showed my love to David while he fought me (love wins, baby)
-Went with Kate to save Richmond (see next one)
-Clementine followed her own plan (if I'm understanding this right, that means that she would go with whatever Javi doesn't. I chose to save Richmond, so she went after Gabe and David. That's part of why I was fine with not going after Gabe, I knew Clementine could take care of it. Plus, I had promised Kate we were going to make things right in Richmond, so I did just that)

David - Brotherly
Kate - Distant
Gabe - Caring
Clem became spirited and assured

Clint is still out there somewhere....

Honestly good on them for not killing so many characters. I kind of hate how the first two seasons pretty much everyone is killed. I know it's an apocalypse story, but I'm glad they actually let some of the attachments you have with the characters be not-wasted. Especially when it's a family drama this time (which is kind of crazy five years into a zombie story lol).