Reviews from

in the past

Fun little shooting game. Not very long but nice retro looking grafix. Point and shoot! Would be cool to see this grow into something bigger.

Frankie's second collab with LumpyTouch results in maybe the best game I've played for this project yet. The first-person graphic adventure format turned into a 360° bunker invasion as you fend off against a number of horrible creatures. It's more than just point & click shooting though, as you're kept busy maintaining your surroundings: lighting up candles, mopping up blood, and repairing barricades as beings continue to crawl towards you from all directions. Crucially, you can only carry one item at a time, and it takes a few seconds to swap items out; practically no actions except shooting happen instantaneously.

Given all that, it doesn't take long for things to become a frantic mess; by the time the second day starts your bunker already becomes a wreck. Pretty soon your toolbox (to fix barricades) is lost in shadow, your mop bucket is overflowing with blood, and right when you're about to light a candle a monster is already through a window, but the weapon you just picked up is out of ammo and you have to spin all the way around to reload. It's one of the most intense games I've played in a while, a true game about survival; I don't remember playing a game so relentless, so unwilling to let the player breathe. I ended up never getting past Night 2 (it's endless, but there's four Days/Nights of new encounters), but I'd still call this one of Frankie's finest works. It's a shame him and LumpyTouch didn't collaborate more, honestly.