Reviews from

in the past

Gameplay - 9
Trilha Sonora - 8
Gráficos - 9
História/Campanha - 7

Nota - 8.25

Absolute banger of a game, probably one of the all-time greats in the realm of co-op arcade shooters. Every little inch of the game oozes with personality and charm, and finding out what weapons are weaknesses to certain monsters is a blast of cartoon logic and panicked desperation.

What really sets this already excellent game so high above its peers is its sheer volume - there are 50 stages that ensure that you and your co-op buddy of choice are not going to be just blasting through the whole game in one sitting, you will be jotting down those passwords all the way to the end, and once you finish it, it won't be long before you are starting the whole thing all over again.

I have spent over a decade periodically having vague flashbacks to a game I used to absolutely love when I was a little kid and never in any time I tried to remember it was I able to figure out what that was.

I used to play said game on my cousin's SNES at his house while he babysat me. It wasn't until this week where I came across it and had this incredible ecstatic OHHHH SHIIIITTTTTT moment.

This game. This god damn game ruled. I am absolutely getting a hold of a copy to re-play this for the first time since the early-mid 90s. There are actually no words to accurately convey my excitement and enthusiasm for doing so. I've spent 10-15 or so years trying to figure this out!

Thought this was the coolest game ever when I played it

Fun for about the first 10 levels. Bullshit for the next 38.

first time ever played it
reached level 13 or something might finish it at some point