Reviews from

in the past

Tekken with a funny furry button

Side note: The front cover was a holo that would switch from Yugo to his beast form, sickest cover ever.

How Bloody Roar Series Shaped the Fighting Genre - Retrospective

unlike the previous games in this one you just don't stand a fucking chance against someone in beast mode while in human form because they cranked the fuck out of the health regeneration

Almost no improvement to its predecessors, unless new characters could be considered an improvement. It's a fun fighting game regardless

A big step down from the PS1 games. In features, characters, story and in fun.

I forgot that I played this game and it existed before I saw the box art. Not a good sign.

Bearing Arcade mode in LV8 diff was sure an experience. 44 minutes later but I did it with Yugo.

Kinda funny how the AI is SOMETIMES easily susceptible to throwing strings that can be evaded and punished with funny PPP string...but gotta admit that I only looked up properly how to Evade when Gado walling the life out of me in Stage 6 due to his attacks blockstun giving me little room for punishing until I started getting the hang of evades.

That aside, Bloody Roar is always pretty cool yah

i love you i love you i lvoe you nobody can make me hate u i still suck but gonna update later when i learn more. fucking music so undeniable fucking rocks

I'm pretty sure that this is how furries spawn into the world.

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This game is super fun and definitely an underrated fighting game series.
The unique mechanic of 'beast' mode adds an awesome layer to this game and allows for some insane combos.
While the artstyle isn't anything super original, the game looks great, plays so well and the controls feel fluid, allowing for some awesome moments.
My personal main was Half-Beast, her combos were super fun and allowed for some juggling potential. My gripe with this game was just that the timer was kind of annoying with how it interacted with supers. Most games will pause the timer while a super 'cutscene' plays out but you can lose even if landing a super like 6 seconds before timer runs out, which feels kind of lame.

The PS2 wasn’t without its fighting games, and most were solid. The Bloody Roar series started on the PS1 but has seen rocky acclaim ever since its first entry. Competing with games such as Street Fighter, Tekken, and Virtua Fighter at the time, people didn’t see the need for another Japanese fighter. Bloody Roar features some interesting characters that can turn into Beast form which unlocks a new set of moves and some devastating attacks. Bloody Roar 3 has great visuals and solid controls but lacks a large roster and modes that fighters are known for.

First off, the game only has 12 fighters. That’s tiny even compared to other fighters with small rosters. The characters, however, are unique but there is a serious lack of female fighters (only 4). The stages are busy and well designed, plus the game looks great even for today. The fighting system is simple compared to most Japanese fighters, but I preferred this. There is just punch, kick, and beast form as well as a dodge and block button. The game has no move list, so this is for button mashers which is just fine here. The controls are smooth and responsive, and there is a lot of visual flairs. The characters’ beast forms look really cool, and it is fun to see them all.

Another main disappointment is the lack of modes. Just arcade, survival, and versus really. There’s not even a main story mode, but the arcade mode does go through all the characters stories. I found the story to be pretty boring and unexciting like most fighting game stories. Most Japanese fighting fans will mainly dislike the lack of depth in the fighting system, but I really didn’t mind it.

Overall, Bloody Roar 3 is a solid fight game but just feels bare bones. The fighting system lacks depth, the character roster is small, and there are only 3 modes. The game looks great and the controls respond well, so this is a love it or hate it type of game.

Very similar to the previous game despite the leap in console generation. There's a few new mechanics, like hyper beast drive, an extra super move per character and some kind of sway dodge, but none of them are explained in game. Presumably they're in the game manual, but if you don't have that gotta look it up online (and I could still never get the sway to work consistently).

It even suffers that extremely horrible difficulty curve the previous 2 games have had. Placing the game on the medium difficulty will make the first fight insanely easy, and the 9th and final fight plays like a pro. I don't get why they bother having difficulty options when a single arcade run differs so damn much.

Story mode is gone, now arcade mode tries to take its place, except instead of having a fully fledged story with each character, we instead get a few "cutscenes" before the first battle and after the last. These cutscenes are just like in 2, where they're still images with text overlayed, which was already cheap feeling in 2, but now that they've got a brand new powerful hardware to work with AND they reduced this story to two small segments, it's far less forgivable. Also not gonna lie but the story lost me on this one, it felt like there was tons of new lore and terms being thrown around that were never in the second game.

There's a lack of new characters too, going from 6 or 7 in the second game to only 3 in this one. And of those 3 one is a robot clone of another. The other two characters are a chimera and "unborn". These are all cool concepts in theory, but when the draw of your game series is being able to play as humans who transform into animals, it'd be nice to get new real animals to play as instead of 3 "special" forms.

This game did improve training a lot, input display is now back from the first game after being mysteriously gone from the second, but they now also show whether each hit in a combo is high, middle or low, so if you want to get really indepth the training is very accommodating to that.

Overall it feels more or less like the last game with better graphics. I gave it a slightly lower score because making the story near non-existent really hurt how much characters were able to stand out.