Reviews from

in the past

This game reminded me of Bloostained, so I decided to buy because I really like Bloodstained, and I have to admit, it does some thing better than Bloodstained, like having more costumization, being able to control 3 different characters and incorporating some fighting game elements into the combat. But boy, I can forgive the story being quite generic as the situation itself is interesting, but the characters are TRASH, they are all shallow waifubaits and 2 annoying pervs, not to mention they talk almost every single step you take into the right direction. And honestly, the game started feeling repetitive and didn't grip me too much, at least I managed to kill the final boss of the early access, and also, there is too much costumization in this game that I just didn't feel like going through the menus just to switch weapons and cores. And I didn't even mention how freaking unfair some bosses and enemies are, one hit and almost 4/5 of your life is gone, is this game trying to be Dark Souls? Sorry bro, not working, because even Dark Souls is more fun. Honestly, the characters are basically the biggest problem I have, they range from boring to annoying, they are all just waifubait for a bunch of otakus lose their balls on.