Reviews from

in the past

sunk hundreds of hours into this but RNG hell still managed to keep me single. thank god for the switch version.

if only they would let me be gay 😔

i was going through a health crisis when i first picked up this game so i think i may have irrevocably emotionally bonded myself to it, but in any case it is a very very good game. each and every one of the characters stuck to my brain like glue and would not let go no matter what i did, and the plot drew me in so thoroughly that for maybe a week straight i was doing basically nothing else but sleeping and playing this game and maybe eating if i remembered to. the difficulty level presents a nice challenge that only got frustrating to me past the main story. took a really long time to get through for someone playing it nigh 24/7, and it has has a crazy amount of replayability to me as well- i havent had a single time where starting up a new save file ended in it getting abandoned 8 minutes in, which is a feat even some of my favorite games have not been able to pull off. thanks rune factory 4 for making me not forcibly pull my skeleton out of my body being on bedrest! to this day i recommend this game to all of my friends and consider it to sit firmly in my selection of Some Of the Most Games Ever

I wanted to like this game more than I did. But as a blend of farming sim and hack and slash I found the farming was too simple and the hack and slash too bland. Neither felt like the complimented each other, and I never felt a connection to the town and it’s characters.

i think this might be the best rune factory 4 game. i kind of preferred rf3's story more but overall rf4 is way better in terms of everything else.

Somehow went from exclaiming "this is the perfect videogame" multiple times in my first several hours in Rune Factory 4, to being 20 hours into it and pretty happy to never play it again despite only being around about halfway through the main storyline.

Rune Factory 4 really has everything. Effortless, overflowing amounts of charm with every character leaving some sort of positive impression, an expansive farming system with so much depth sprawling in seemingly every imaginable direction, arpg goodness with a ton of different environments each with plenty of personality and unique touches, a ton of weapons (some delightfully goofy) with meaningfully different movesets for you to go chew through all manner of environments with, the ability to turn almost any enemy in the game into your own personal Pokémon and either set your army of critters to work on your farm or take them out adventuring with you, loads of secrets, loads of polish (I can't really overstate quite how impressive the level of polish is here), always something exciting to be working towards both narratively and in terms of building up your home/farm/town.

Rune Factory 4 really has everything. My mind freezes up as I use my magnifying glass to see so many stats about the soil quality of this specific tile, half of that stats feeling like they mean nothing. Five different crafting systems, a few of those with several different subcategories of crafting system associated with them, all of which need to be levelled up individually, and you better engage with these myriad mediocre crafting systems because you have to sell all this pointless garbage you're making to get the shipping rate higher. Stats you can level up for literally anything you can imagine, from using a specific class of weapon, to walking, to bathing. Storage boxes and fridges stuffed full of literally anything and everything you've found that you haven't had to either sell for money or use up in crafting. Yellow speech bubbles above characters indicating you haven't talked to them yet today, begging you to go find every single one of them every single day because of course the game expects you to befriend each and every townsfolk. Endless rooms of enemies where you just resort to bashing the same two buttons over and over to grind experience. Vegetable and flower seeds that start at level 1 and which you can specifically go out of your way to individually grind up to level 9 one growth cycle at a time. A princess points task system that gave me nightmares of Animal Crossing: New Horizons' Nook Miles for all the pointless busywork it encourages. The same handful of trees and stones you have to return to day after day to get the ever crucial lumber and ore you need mountains of in order to build anything.

Leaving you drowning amongst its menagerie of empty compulsion loops, Rune Factory 4 is the perfect abyss. I loved a lot of my time with it, the game is genuinely beautifully made in many regards and it's hard to imagine a game really being better at the specific thing Rune Factory 4 is trying to accomplish, but despite this fuck I'm glad I got out when I did.

Kind of overrated for me, but I still enjoyed it. There is more to do than ever, just wasn’t a fan of the post-game content.

Exhibit A in my proof that farmers are stronger than any divine being.

this game made me physically sick for playing it 20 hours a day

One of my favorite games, despite it's flaws! If you enjoy the relaxed gameplay of Harvest Moon style games, and like to go exploring in some simple dungeons, I highly recommend! :)

I sunk more hours into this than I'd like to admit, back on my old 3DS... unfortunately that little bastard died on me, so I plan to replay this game on Switch once I've "finished" RF5 :)

The devs have made a lot of improvements from their previous three games, so the gaming experience is better than before. Graphics and soundtrack are good, and the story is not too bad as well.

Best part of the game is probably the characters, since they're rather well-written with engaging backstories. It gets to the point that I can't decide which love interest to marry because most of their backstories are just that interesting...

I remember that I used to play this game on my 3DS but I never got around to finishing it, definitely want to pick it up again. Super cool game

Might have rented it or played a very little tiny bit before returning. Not enough to properly judge but enough for me to not be motivated to continue.

I'd tried multiple farming games in the past and of all of them, this one scratches the itch for one best and succeeds where all others failed me.
forte is best girl

i had fun with this game and i liked it a lot more than i thought i would!

One of the better farming simulators on the 3ds.

Better than Stardew Valley but I still can't get into farming games

Played a few hours, but didn't beat

Strawberry farming with Elf waifu :)

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I just wanted to get married with the maid but I lost my data u.u

One of the very best rpgs on 3ds. Makes me smile every time I play it

i still play this daily on the 3DS from 2015 to 2021. the grip this game has on me is immense and maybe i skip dialogue but the characters are never stale and i still very occasionally discover new things. maybe it's just a comfort game but i think that says a lot about this

If this game's gameplay loop clicks with you, prepare for the addiction of a lifetime, crops management, beast taming, dungeon crawling... This game has it all, and it won't let go of your brain's serotonin glands easily.
The game is not a major looker, but damn is it charming, fun and addictive

If you like RPGs and farming games like Harvest Moon-- look no further. Please play Rune Factory 4.

Rune Factory is difficult to recommend to people, in a way-- I don't think you can get away with only like one of the two genres it pulls from. Beating the game-- or at least the third arc-- requires all sorts of crafting, which requires money and material, and money usually requires farming. It really ties the game together, but if you don't already enjoy farming games, it probably wont work for you.

But it's a great game, honestly. There's much to do, and it's satisfying to toss all your old equipment to the wayside after making a new set of armor to go into the newest dungeon. The random events in town are sometimes a bit irritating if you're hoping for a specific one-- but at the same time, they make the town feel more lively, more real. The townspeople have lots of dialogue, and it takes a while to hit the end of their spiel. It's also nice that friendship builds over time without gifts, since you don't have to gift everyone in town every day to be liked. Gifts make it way faster, but you'll still find yourself integrating into Selphia if you just manage to talk to people every day.

Like any game, is it perfect? Of course not. But it's fun, it executes the genres its a part of well, and it makes me happy-- and I think that's enough.