Reviews from

in the past

Having played this as a kid on the Nintendo DS I know what to expect from this, and I enjoyed it enough back then to get the game 100%'d.

I was expecting this version, on the Wii, released over six months after the DS version, to be much the same, and it pretty much is, other than one key difference; the controls.

The Wii version, as far as I know, is based on the PC version, not the PlayStation 2 version.
This is quite obvious when you find out that in order to select anything on screen you have to move your Wiimote over to it and push A instead of using a Classic Controller, the Nunchuk, or even the D-pad.

If any of those were used it'd be a better game but the things you select on those cards are so small you basically need to hold your breath in order to select something in the fear you'll accidentally lose because you moved a smidge too far and selected a different category.

For the uninitiated, "Top Trumps" is a series of card games in the UK which is basically "higher or lower"; you select a category and if your opponent has a lower number than you in the category you chose, then you steal their card.
The winner is whoever ends up with all the cards.

It's not a good Wii game and despite it releasing over six months after the games original release it's actually the worst version of it.

If you're wanting to play this game I'd recommend the PS2 version, or even the PC version.

Me lo compré hace años porque estaba a 50 centimos o así, me ha dado por jugarlo ahora y es exactamente tan malo como esperaba.

I don't know why this game exists

The Doctor Who franchise is ripe with potential for a great game, and we get games like this

"Okay guys, we've just managed to get the licence to make a Doctor Who game from the BBC. What do you think we should do? We could make just about anything: an adventure game, a platformer, perhaps even a survival horror or..."

"Why don't we just make an interactive version of that Top Trumps card game that kids like? I know it'll be much more expensive and parents will be wondering why they didn't just get an actual set of real cards for cheaper but fans will still flock to it and..."

"Fucking brilliant idea James. Hire this man!"

And thus the somewhat pointless Top Trumps: Doctor Who on PS2, Wii, DS and PC was born.

Sabe qual é o problema de fazer um jogo de Super Trunfo? Eu fiquei VINTE minutos na PRIMEIRA fase e ela não terminou, isso porque eu passei metade desse tempo esperando a IA jogar rodadas seguidas porque ela ficava ganhando.

Why is there not a an actually decent game to play in the Dr Who universe.