Reviews from

in the past

This review contains spoilers

In an interview, Fumiaki Maruto described his vision for WA2 in this way (my paraphrase):

"In other romance stories, the hero can choose to run away with the heroine to the countryside to escape from their problems and live happily ever after. But in the real world, to be able to do such things, you have to inform your boss weeks in advance, write a proper resignation letter, and handover your work to your colleagues."

This core theme, of the raw & naive ideal of intense passionate love vs the inertia of societal obligation and our pesky material reality, motivates the entire VN- and this dichotomy is best seen in its heroines. Setsuna, for all her dependency issues, is the ultimate normie, who has society itself firmly in her grasp; while Kazusa is a walking artistic girlfailure who only has her passion and her intensity to abide by. Setsuna is the girl you introduce to your parents; Kazusa is the girl you run away to the countryside with.

Through this simple dichotomy, Maruto creates his grand melodramatic soap opera: he pits the urge to retreat into a passionate and sexual Shangri-La with the one you love, at the cost of everything you have built for yourself, against the daily drudgery of a love that must be built through compromise, hard work, and boring constancy. And he gives you, the reader, the complete choice of which outcome you desire, while allowing you to witness the fallout of your decisions with absolutely brutal and cruel logic.

In each of the 3 endings, a single character's will overpowers all others and their vision of the world is instantiated into reality.

Kazusa True: Haruki's vision triumphs. The only way a passionate romance can succeed against the inertia of the world is through an Ubermenschian rejection of that world. Haruki burns all bridges for the sake of Kazusa. Both achieve their love, but Kazusa ends up entirely dependent on Haruki, and is the weakest version of herself out of all 3 endings. Setsuna is left battered and bruised, but she has society to fall back on, so she is able to pick herself up.

Kazusa Normal + Extra Route: Kazusa's vision triumphs. Love's passionate intensity consumes all and leaves no survivors. Yet, Kazusa knows all too well that this intensity cannot be sustained and is perhaps more beautiful as an ephemeral memory, so she extinguishes it with her own hands. By the end of this route, she is the strongest version of herself and has gained her independence at the cost of that one fiery moment. Setsuna and Haruki stitch together a newfound relationship from love's ashes.

Setsuna Normal: Setsuna's vision triumphs. This is the ending where everyone 'wins', yet to view it as a purely optimistic ending is to miss out some of the subtle cruelties inflicted on the cast. The romantic ideal is absolutely dead and Kazusa is probably fated to be a lonely celibate for life due to her own personal issues, inability to really gel with society, & inability to compromise; she is subsumed into society's demands, though also given a level of willpower to continue living without love, so in a way is a stronger version of herself than Kazusa True. She compromises everything about herself for the sake of Peace On Earth. Setsuna's raw pragmatism wins out and she gives the equivalent of an Asian-Parent bitchslap to Kazusa to tell her to go get a job and stop wasting her life on a man. Haruki, too, has to settle for a reality with the world's hottest normiest girlfriend. Fuck romance, we have bills to pay.

As seen in the three endings, it is this understanding of reality and the compromises that comes with it that elevates WA2's core romance story. The romantic moments are some of the intensest depicted in any VN, yet counterbalanced by the ruthlessness with which Maruto depicts the Fall Back To Earth. Maruto is also peerless in capturing the psychological states of every character, no matter how selfish and destructive their actions and thoughts are. The resulting work is one of humongous empathy and realism, despite being full of the Good Angsty Stuff and Tearjerker Moments that would sate any soap opera or nakige fan.

What, then, is Maruto's final statement on love? A work this complex cannot be easily summarized, but to me it is something like this:

In the end, reality usually wins out over passion. We may find the One who moves us to dedicate ourselves to him or her for life, but such loves rarely last. We live in a network of social obligations and compromises that cannot be easily untangled. We are nowhere near strong enough to bear the burdens necessary to honour these loves.

But that does not mean these ideals, these emotions, were any less beautiful, or precious. Though in striving, we hurt others and ourselves- why should we stop?

I laughed I believed I cried I clapped I kneeled I hated I loved


pain and suffering probably the best drama ive read

setsuna best girl

Do not trust anyone who likes this game

Never have I read a Visual Novel this microcosmically dense. There's this sort of inexplicable tenderness to every line that I have never felt from anything else. I do wish a few things were executed more tightly. Nevertheless, WHITE ALBUM 2 remains an unforgettable experience.

Putting this as shelved for now since I lost my save progress, which sucks because I really loved (almost) the whole time I spent reading this

It'll be some time until I go back but the fact that I liked it so much despite not even seeing what's considered the best parts (was about to start Setsuna Coda with only that and Kazusa True left) tells me that I'll end up loving this even more

amazing, it's so unapologetically human which i love.

I don't even know where to start with this so I won't even try, it's a master class in character writing though.

happy, annoyed and slightly depressed

Hey you liked WA2 introductory chapter? Well let's shove it down your fucking throat for 40 more hours before you can actually progress the story in a meaningful way.

are you doing well? i'm still singing.

vn for bitchless guys during christmas that has miscommunication issues

that said it's well written, i think. i liked it when i read it 2 years ago at least.

This is a review for my thoughts on Coda true routes, as I just want to vent my thoughts; however, I have done so with no direct spoilers.
But I do talk about my thoughts, so if you want to go totally blind, don't read.

Coda Setsuna:
First of all, I have to get out of me how I feel about Setsuna's ending, and to put it bluntly, I was disappointed. While it's still a very good ending (much better than pretty much all romance anime), it didn't live up to the reputation of this visual novel or even to just the other main heroines route. Considering she is probably the girl with the most screen time in the whole story and for everything she's been through, The writing is very safe and borderline predictable. What I wanted from Setsuna's route was a massive development in her character to overcome her inability to find fault in others and only herself. While it does very lightly touch on, it just felt underwhelming and was treated too lightly. I do like the ending in itself; it's just that it felt too broad didn't give enough attention to Setsuna as a character, which resulted in the ending feeling unearned.. I say all this as (you may have noticed) a Setsuna fan; she was my main interest in the game and why I couldn't stop playing throughout, but her ending just left more to be desired despite it still being solid. I really wish I went into Setsuna's route with lower expectations, as I knew nothing and went into it directly after Kazusa's route, which, in my opinion, gave a better resolution to her character than her own route.

Coda Kazusa (true):
Setsuna's route pales in comparison to Kazusa's, which accomplishes more than I could have ever imagined. Kazusa's route is the most ambitious and best drama I've ever seen. Destroying everything but wrapping up a very heartbreaking conclusion that solidifies all the characters, ending in a parallel parked car crash manner.

My Route Ratings:
Intro Chap: 9.1/10 (on replay after Chiaki true)
Closing Chapter:
Koharu Route: 8.5/10
Mari Route: 6/10
Chiaki (true) Route: 8.5/10
Setsuna: 9/10
Kazusa Normal: 7.5/10
Bad End: 5/10
Kazusa True 10/10
Setsuna: 8.5/10

Coda routes destroyed my life.

I'm a sucker for good melodramatic love stories and by god this has to be the best one in any media I've consumed. As much as I love Muv Luv Alternative's portrayal of love, it doesn't even hold a candle to this.

Main character seriously needs to get the School Days treatment.

I'm gonna be honest here, my first intention of playing/reading this VN is just to jerk off and nothing else.....boy was I wrong.

I hate this game for making me unhorny
I hate this game for making me care for all of the main girls
I hate this game for making me to sit through one of the most painful route on Coda
I hate this game so much that I want to treasure it, hack I ain't even gonna uninstall this VN from my PC.

it is amazingly tragic yet beautiful. "would hug Chiaki and Kazusa tightly/10"

I fucking hate Haruki. Closing + Coda permanently inflicted pain seeing snow.

Fuck you Aquaplus, this is suffering concentrate.

Todokanai Koi - Unreachable Love

A song, a moment, a love that bound them together for life.

For the good and for the bad.

Love binds us all but to what lengths would you go for it?

Minha VN favorita e tem motivo.

Olha quando se trata de drama a maior preocupação de uma pessoa, especialmente, em uma obra estrelada por adolescentes, é o drama não ser satisfatório e ser juvenil demais. Honestamente, vendo a qualidade meio porca da adaptação em anime, não culpo as pessoas... A própria novel tem certos momentos assim.

Se você me perguntasse o que torna White Album 2 diferente de qualquer outro drama que já li, seria o scenario do Maruto. O cara manja. As vezes ele exagera na soap opera? Sim, mas ele manipula suas emoções que nem Jeffrey Epstein manipula Hollywood. Mas, drama sem substância é só isso, drama. Então, vamos ao que torna WA2 minha VN favorita.

O cast de WA2 deve ser o mais complexo que já vi. Haruki, Setsuna e Kazusa possuem muitas camadas psicológicas debaixo de suas ações e realmente se comportam como humanos quebrados. Destaque para a Setsuna, uma personagem tão profunda que complexa que se eu tentasse analisar suas ações eu faria umas 10.000 linhas de boas. Felizmente, passei da época de fazer muros de textos analisando personagens (alô Oregairu), então simplificarei nisso: Setsuna, junto de Haruki, representa perfeitamente o medo de abandono presente em pessoas que idealizam relacionamentos... Setsuna, para manter seu relacionamento idealizado com Haruki, convence a si mesma como culpada pelos erros que ambos cometem, mas por ser uma pessoa egoísta, não consegue ficar feliz a menos que tudo retorne ao status quo, mesmo sabendo que é impossível retornar a como as coisas eram antes.

Além do cast principal, temos os personagens secundários. Io Mizusawa (possivelmente o personagem mais covarde que já), Takeya IIzuka, Koharu Sugiura, Chiaki Izumi e... Mari Kazaoka (não espere muito dela). Todos, apesar de não tão trabalhados quanto o trio principal, são ótimos personagens e são o que fazem essa história valer a pena.

Se, além do drama e dos personagens, fosse escolher algo acima da média na VN, seria a OST. As músicas cantadas, especificamente, são LINDAS e viciantes. Todokanai Koi deve ser uma das minhas musicas favoritas a este ponto, e Powder Snow me fez chorar RIOS.

Agora... Infelizmente... Devo citar alguns pontos que podem fazer você se afastar desta magnífica obra.

1- A arte é bem... Inconsistente. Alguns dias atrás estava debatendo com um amigo sobre a arte, e ele parece gostar. Na minha opinião, apesar da direção de arte não ser nada má, a arte é bem hit or miss.

2- A narração do Haruki. Imagino que deve ser óbvio o propósito do Maruto com ela, mas imagino que a auto depreciação dele vá irritar MUITA gente em closing chapter. Eu não me importo, faz parte do personagem, mas esteja avisado.

3- O uso de clichês e coincidências. Outra coisa que não me importo, WA2 não poderia se importar menos com esse tipo de coisa, visto o simbolismo da neve na VN, mas MUITA, mas MUITA coisa nessa novel acontece por meio de clichês, coincidências que beiram o absurdo (especialmente na rota da Mari e em Setsuna true), e diálogos bem novela da Globo.

E por falar em rotas, terminarei essa análise dando minha opinião, sem spoilers, de cada rota em CC e Coda.

Rota da Koharu: 8/10: Conheço uma galera que tem ela como rota favorita, e eu entendo o porquê, mas não acho nada muito UAU como falam, apesar do personagem da Koharu nessa rota ser fenomenal. Eu também não entendi em que ponto exatamente era pra essa rota ser lida. Os paralelos da Koharu com atitudes do Haruki em outras rotas faz parecer que ela deveria estar no final ou ao menos não sendo a primeira. Porém, ler as outras como primeira rota prejudica demais a experiência. Confuso

Rota da Mari: 4/10: Blergh. Única parte de todo o WA2 que acho ruim. A Mari não tá NEM PERTO de ser uma personagem tão boa quanto Koharu e Chiaki, e o Maruto exagerou demais nos traços ruins dos personagens. Eu nem vou falar do Haruki e das ações dele no iinício a rota. Já a Setsuna fica mais vitimista e cínica do que nunca, e Takeya a Io chegam ao ÁPICE da hipocrisa (que já estava presente nas outras rotas mas aqui é só fica irritante pois ninguém aponta isso). Enfim, é ruim.

Rota da Chiaki: 10/10: Olha, eu entendo não gostarem da Chiaki, ela é uma arrombada, mas PUTA QUE PARIU HEIN. Não vou falar muito, apenas leiam, mas adorei como o Maruto usou um artifício meta pra expor o que ele pensa dos personagens.

Rota da Setsuna: 6.5/10: Apenas buildup pra Coda (que é o ápice da obra fácil). Não acho ruim mas não tem nada demais. Gosto de como é implícito que o Haruki não consegue esquecer o passado, por mais que tente.

Kazusa Normal: 9/10: Bad ending, e QUE BAD ENDING HEIN. Essa rota é uma versão melhorada da rota da Mari, aqui os defeitos dos protagonistas tomam a narrativa para si e acaba mostrando o quanto isso os quebraria a longo prazo. The ending hits hard.

Setsuna True: 8/10: Final Disney, mas longe de ser o final verdadeiro da história. Há quem goste do Haruki esquecendo o passado para ficar com a Setsuna, mas essa rota é inconclusiva. Tento falar o mínimo possível de Coda, experienciem.

Kazusa True: 10/10: O APOGEU DE WHITE ALBUM 2. Essa rota conclui o arco do Haruki e também da Kazusa e Setsuna. Os temas de consequências, amor (seja platônico, familiar ou romântico), escapismo e culpa são concluídos magistralmente aqui. Leiam WA2, mesmo que não gostem, é uma experiência única.

This visual novel does romance in a way I haven't really seen before and thought I would never find in a work like this. By the end of it I disliked the main characters in the same amount that I loved them, and I think it'll stick with me for a long time.
I wouldn't call it perfect, Closing Chapter had some weaker parts that dragged and made me stall it for some time (especially in the side routes), but CODA was good enough that the whole journey felt worth it in the end. One of the routes especially was the highest point of the VN and every scene in it was that much powerful because of everything that came before.

今でも覚えている あの日見た雪の白さ
初めて触れた 唇の温もりも忘れない
粉雪のようなあなたは 汚れなく奇麗で
I still love you.