Reviews from

in the past

It's likely Ridge Racer and Taiko no Tatsujin talking, but I can't help but kind of like Xevious. I've been brainwashed by Namco so thoroughly that I've been convinced there's some value in this screensaver of a game.

Hideo Kojima has said that Xevious was one of his favourite games growing up, and admired its sense of a tangible world. I think that's what I appreciate about it. The landscapes. Xevious's backgrounds aren't built out of repeated patterns and tilesets, but unspectacular dirt roads, forests and coastlines. The hypnotically repetitive gameplay casts your attention to them. It's easy to start thinking about the lives of the people below, and the day-to-day operations of each base you fly over. It feels convincingly mundane, and builds the illusion quite invitingly. It's quite unique for a shoot 'em up of its vintage, and it's easy to see how this sense of purposeful adventure inspired Kojima's work.

Then you snap out of it and realise how fucking boring the game is.

Thanks to the Ms. Pac-Man Plug-and-Play console this was probably the first shmup I ever played which really makes me wonder why Nintendo youtubers keep telling me nobody gave a shit about it here? Huh?

the only rhythm game i've ever loved

I couldn't tell you how the title was spelled I just had it on the Ms. Pac Man plug n play and it was raw.

Influential but bad, which means that its only actually loved by republicans.

~ Juegos que Hay que Jugar Antes de Morir ~
Parte 2 — Los 80: Caída y Resurgir

Juego 42: Xevious (1982)

Ya se empiezan a formar los verdaderos bullet-hells de naves tal y como los conocemos. Ganas de la saga 1943.

It is not as good as Galaga but it is way better than Galaxian.

A little slow for my tastes, but I really like this one. I don't see why people hate it now.

I know it's old, but was this game ever fun? I think no.

Namco's Xevious is the original vertical shooter that everyone ripped off, and it's still a decent bit of fun today. You shoot enemies in the air while bombing targets on the ground. Projectiles and enemies are slow, but it can get a little bit hectic when there's a decent number of them on screen. Definitely worth spending some time with, to see where it all started.

This game is straight doo doo, not gonna lie.


Christa insisted that I play this and then I beat her high score by thirteen thousand points

For some reason I was obsessed with this game as a kid. I think I just thought the ships and enemies looked cool but I like this one

Very hard and Super Xevious is superior

You could convince me that this was actually an NES game ported to arcade machines.