Reviews from

in the past

A game I really liked when I first started playing, the gameplay felt smooth and the retro style is always charming. Now that I am finished I think the game is kinda messy but still enjoyable at least to me. The biggest issue to me is the later half of the game is kinda a mess, the levels just start to lose the cohesive charm the first part of the game did, you start to also notice how the powerup system kinda fails.
The mega man esque gain more powers as you beat bosses seems great on paper here but with how the game is set up I found outside of the first two power ups there was no reason to use any of them. It just makes getting them feel more lame than anything else. The only one that was really game changing (outside of the first two again) is the wall jump which is a whole other can of worms. The fact the wall climb was a later game unlock means the game barely uses it mechanically it also kinda just sucks so I kinda wish they did not do it. Story is kinda cute, it's small and written like a saturday morning cartoon but I feel like that was the point so it was fun with it. I still enjoyed the game but I wish it was a little tighter with its unlocks and later levels. I also think the final fight was awful straight up, the first phase was too easy and the second phase was just taxing with how it throws a new gimmick at you and expects you to master it for the fight.

Wonderful nod to classic action platformer like Mega Man, Ducktales, and Shovel Knight. Excellent platforming, great power up abilities, and creative enemies make for very engaging gameplay that doesn't overstay its welcome.

The aesthetic, music, and writing is spot-on for people who have already had plenty of fun with games in this genre.

Overall, very happy to have played this game, and completing it was a rewarding process, though there was no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Such a great, charming throwback. Could rate it even higher if I wasn't so bad at 2D platformers.