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in the past

This game and its support confuses me. I don’t know if its because I played it on PS4 but it didnt play well for me. I encountered may bugs and little explanation on what to do. I love the open world aspect of it I just wish I could have had a better experience with it.

Im probably not gonna pick this game back up tbh

Que jogo maravilhoso!
A experiência de Sonic num mundo aberto no inicio parecia algo que não ia dar certo, mas no começo não foi bem assim já que estava todo bugado.
Mas ainda bem que existem os patches!

A historia do jogo é confusa, porém muito boa quando ela começa a se amarrar direitinho. E ela explica MUITA coisa sobre a lore do jogo em si.

As musicas são incriveis, durante os passeios pelas ilhas são musicas ambientes, mas no Cyberspace são dubsteps muito loucos e as musicas dos bosses são COISA DE LOUCO!

Sonic em mundo aberto e lutando são duas coisas que achei que ou não ia ver ou não ia dar certo, e mudei de ideia TOTALMENTE

This game goes so hard with mods

First sonic game, was an absolute blast to play, got very tedious though and felt very unfinished

this is definitely biased cause I love this stupid fucking hedgehog but godammit this is the best game he's had in quite some time in 3D at least.

Ian Flynn's writing is refreshing for this game, especially after the disaster that was Sonic Forces. I can see why a lot of people aren't into the game, and I found myself thinking that the gameplay was kind of clunky a lot of the time, but... I really enjoyed this game and basically beat it all in one go opening weekend. I need to go back and replay so that I can do the DLC.

Sonic Ha Vuelto, esta es la evolución que muchos esperábamos, un digno sucesor de los Adventure, después de varios fracasos por fin han encontrado la fórmula perfecta para usar de ahora en adelante. No es el mejor pero estamos ante el Sonic 3D Definitivo.

This game is so jank, and unfinished, and scuffed, and ugly, but god damn it I do not care.

Sonic Frontiers is a return to form for the franchise in many ways. The return of the Shonen influence, the return of engaging storytelling, the return of more open level design and controls, it's the first sonic game in many, MANY years to make me feel something on a deeper level.

Frontiers is earnest, it's trying as hard as it possibly can to be something big, something special, and while it may fail sometimes, when it does succeed, it does so spectacularly. I cannot wait to see what a potential sequel could be like, due to this games success and high sales.

After playing 24 Sonic games, i finally end my journey here in this one (at least on the Modern sonic ones, now i'm going to Superstars)

Best OST in a while, excellent gameplay, fun open world to explore and a cool level design.

I don't like that the cyberspaces are one of 4 places in every level, they could get creative and bring a lot of cool stuff back, or create new ones.

I had a lot of fun, one of the best sonic games.

You either like or dislike this one. Personally, I like this game, even if it is another "step in the right direction" without actually getting there.

I actually played this one when it came out on the Switch, but it didn't have all of the added content and improvements that it had almost a year later when I decided to revisit it on Steam.

I think this game is fun! I know that it looks and a lot of the time just feels like SEGA hired the man and made a "This is what Sonic's graphics will look like in 2015"...But running around as Sonic and doing random platforming challenges IS fun, I don't know what to tell you.

I think the key to this game's success is the fact that it doesn't give you much time to stand still and realize how empty these islands actually are. Each island is full of so many ramps and loops and rails and enemies and collectables... That you are going to keep yourself busy running from one place to the next, just doing cool tricks and going fast as Sonic.

I also don't hate the cyberspace stages as much as everyone else; sure, some of them are massive stinkers but when they are good...They are GOOD. I just wish that they hadn't brought back Green Hill, Chemical Plant and Sky Sanctuary for the millionth fucking time; also that more of these were more similar in difficulty to 1-2, because that is the only hard cyberspace stage in the whole game....And you play it literally in the first island.

But by far, the best part about this game are the Super Sonic boss fights. I can't believe they finally fixed Super Sonic....They finally made Super Sonic fights that actually feel good to control and cool to watch...And it only took them what, 30+ years?

Just the way these fights are presented, Sonic's enhanced moveset during these, how flashy he looks, the sheer scale of these titans, the quicktime events...Everything works! When Sonic grabs one of them, spins it around and tosses it against a fucking mountain...MAN!

And the music? .............HOLY SHIT! Sonic games are known for having great soundtracks at the very least, even if the games themselves are shit...But holy fuck man! This game's boss themes are absolutely spectacular and I never get tired of listening to them on repeat.

Anyway, there are a few things that I do dislike about this game; it takes itself a bit too seriously at times, 2D cyberstages are indeed big poopoo, the base momentum still isn't quite there, the artstyle sucks, the pop-in sucks, the combat is half baked, the final boss is a joke....

But you know what? I don't care.....Because they added the spindash- DUDE THEY ADDED SO MUCH STUFF AND THE SPINDASH!

I didn't get to play with the spindash when I played on Switch...But a year later on Steam?! With the added momentum and being able to maintain my speed after a jump? ..............AND THE SPINDASH?! I swear to god, this game plays completely different after the updates, and when you add all of these to Sonic's moveset, he feels SO incredibly good to control!!!

I also added a few mods to improve the movement since I was playing on PC and boy... I don't know how much they actually affected my experience...But it felt AMAZING to just fly around and reach insane distances and heights just by building momentum. Just thinking about it makes me want to play this game again.

Alright, that's it, I've gushed for long enough. Game good bye.

shii got so boring at island 3

This game is awesome and a true return to form that we have not seen Sonic in for nearly a decade. This title has an outstanding soundtrack, full of all the rock you could ask for. This game succeeds at its amazing boss battles, which honestly made me feel as if I were playing a YouTube AMV from the early 2010's. It is badass, fast, new, and offers plenty of fan service in its gameplay and story, amongst its great tag along DLC which allows for multiple playable characters. I am excited to see where they take future installments with Sonic after this one.

Прошёл на 100% и более чем доволен!

As an 'open zone' game, I don't neccessarily think this game is bad, but I really honestly think Sonic games need to take a page out of Sonic Robo Blast 2 level design. A fine boost sonic game, but missing some of the things that could really make boost sonic shine in a real 3D platformer. The scenery is beautiful, but the flying rails, platforms, etc, they take away from the raw beauty of the rest of the game world. Combat is fine.

A mediocre time attached to some interesting ideas. You will see every one of those interesting ideas within the first few hours of gameplay, so unless you really like shoot-em-ups, I would recommend finding this game at a cheap price second-hand and playing it until it starts to get boring.

Do not expect it to get better after that point.

I had fun with this game. First three boss fights and OST carry it.

TL;DR I am very satisfied with this game as an old Sonic fan. Long gone is my shattered heart from the unforgettable Sonic Forces hype...

The Open Zone kills it. Admittedly, its design with random platforms, rails, bumpers and dash panels isn't the greatest but what saves it is the sense of exploration you get from each island. The challenges that unlock the map are piss easy but that doesn't make them annoying. They are bite sized, small distractions from all the running and jumping around. The physics are great and the drop dash from Sonic Mania is in a 3D Sonic game for the first time! You can get some amazing momentum rolling down hills and can gain lots of height jumping after boosting on an incline or a rail.

Cyber Space... Bad physics. Most of the levels are bad. The ones that copy their level designs from SA1, SA2 and Unleashed are very fun. But yeah... The physics are bad. You can fix them with mods but they break some stuff with the game, so I do not recommend doing that.

There are some stupid mini-games in the main story quests. Sheep herding... And the worst: On the 3rd island, there's a bridge you cannot jump across, there's an invisible wall. Later on in the story, Sonic jumps through the bridge in a cutscene while jumping TO SPACE. And you have to get him to the ground IN A TIME LIMIT. I hate arbitrary time-limits. Stupid mini-games like these should NOT exist in the main story.

Elder Koco leveling takes way too long, just like Hestu from BOTW. I spent an hour pressing menu buttons and waiting through unskippable animations and text just to get my speed and ring capacity to the max level. Hermit Koco is better, he just levels your ATK and DEF at the same time while using all your resources. Why doesn't this also exist for Elder Koco? I have no idea.

The final boss, even the true one which you only get if you play on Hard mode, is a joke. The true final boss comes out of nowhere and is a very, very big disappointment. Regular bosses in this game are more like the final bosses you'd expect from Sonic games.

Better get ready for some Ikaruga.

The narrative. Oh the narrative. God bless you Ian Flynn. We finally have a serious and comprehensive Sonic story after years of junk and especially after the disappointment that was Sonic Forces, I am very happy with this one. Expect callbacks, direct references and actual story connections to ALL past Sonic media, including but not limited to Sonic 3, Sonic Adventure 1 and Sonic Adventure 2. The dialogues and writing are also amazing, Flynn definitely knows how to write the characters and playfully dances around their personalities, thoughts and dreams. There are some unexplained stuff in the game which I think they are saving for a future title. We'll see.

Graphics and Performance
This is a weird one. While the game looks outstanding there is an insane amount of pop-in and you have no way to fix it. There are 30 and 60 FPS caps for the game and while you can unlock the framerate using Cheat Engine, it breaks certain aspects of the game, so I do not recommend doing that at all. All cutscenes are locked at 30 FPS. Besides the pop-in everything looks gorgeous at High settings. I cannot comment on the Low settings but I'd assume it'd look similar to the Switch version, which I find very ugly. I don't think the game is very demanding at High settings, as long as you have a decent system you shouldn't have any issues running it at 1080p 60 FPS.

Voices and Music
I still don't like Roger's Sonic voice, even with this serious direction but many of the voice actors do a great job. They fit the tone of the game perfectly while not feeling too forced or cheesy. And while I don't like Roger as Sonic at all, I can't really imagine this story with Jason's voice either... But it is what it is. He does a great job and improves throughout the game. He starts sounding better as the game progresses, so maybe there were some issues when recording for the game first started.

The Open Zone musics are amazing. Some Cyber Space tracks are amazing. Most are subpar and forgettable. Boss musics are epic, except, again, the final boss. I have no idea why they thought that final boss was a good idea.

Final Thoughts
In my opinion, this is an amazing step in the right direction for Sonic. I finished it 100% in 26.5 hours without rushing. I hope they try at least one more game with this formula and improve upon it. Even zooming around the Open Zone mindlessly is fun, movement is fluid, it's just great. Very excited for the future.

a welcome comeback for this franchise after forces.
excited for sonadow gens

Despite the fact this game is being held by nothing but sticks and blu tack, it still manages to be enjoyable against all odds due to a very strong gameplay loop.

feels like zelda botw, the levels are good tho