Reviews from

in the past

I've gotta just sit down and put more time into this game

Got to Act 2, love what I’ve played so far but there’s way too many games I want to play first and I want to get the most out of this game.

It's Larian Studios and D&D perfectly married together. Great characters, great storytelling, great gameplay. Unforgettable.

Really good game, definitely worth to buy.
Act 3 was disappointing and the final boss was extremely bad. Somehow didn't romance anyone.

Fantastic writing, Fantastic gameplay, Banger music. This has potential to be my most favorite game of all time

Overall, I still haven't beat act 3.

The greatest turn based RPG ever made. The amount of freedom you get to play the story in YOUR way is incredible. Every developer should aim to make games of this quality.

Amazing story, and a world so full of life and options that going through it all even in 3 playthroughs would be a monumentous task. This is a game of options and they're all fun as fuck.

I cannot overstate how good this game is from EVERY ANGLE - the narrative, dialogue, pacing, graphics, art style, characters, world-building - I CANNOT RAVE HARD ENOUGH.

I have only just begun the third act but I am already preparing my next playthrough. This might've just become my favourite game.

not too far in but, HOLY SHIT ITS SO GOOD.

Play this single player. Co op has you miss the best part of the game, the companions.

I love BG3 so much. The mechanics of the game are so well thought out and you can easily tell how much love was put into the game. The story is a little above mid but the cast takes the cake. Best one of the best DnD like experience games. Unfortunately the fandom is full of idiots and weirdos which completely ruined the experience for me. I've seen gross takes that just ruin the way I look at certain characters. I really don't care what anyone says, a fandom CAN ruin your experience with a game

As much as I like playing DND, something big is lost when you make it a video game without a DM and other people there.

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Will I ever be able to feel again after playing this game? I actually love the combat in this game so much, oh my God (the romance is fine too ig).

the more i think about this game the more i think is just kind of ok,dont get me wrong there is a lot of content and your choices matter,but it just doesnt do enough to set itself apart from past crpgs,this game just kind of feels like a big stock fantasy rpg,especially in its writing and gameplay

like this game def doesnt has the best writing in the world,but also the gameplay isnt that great,dnd 5e just doesnt transforms itself all that well to a singleplayer rpg,i would have much prefered if they would have just stick with dos2 gameplay

i still think the game is pretty impressive,but its just kind of forgetable,if you are new to crpgs i get how you would love this,but to someone more experienced in the genre,i dont really see what makes this game all that special

keeps getting better with the post launch updates

holy shit. this is genuinely the best piece of fiction i've ever consumed. from the storytelling to the soundtrack to the characters to just the ambiance in general, everything was impeccable. the characters in this game affected me in a way that no others have, and I think i'll remember them for the rest of my life. the replayability is insane, there's always more to do and discover, and I plan on starting my third playthrough soon :)

the way i pinned all my serotonin into baldur's gate three!! genuinely never had a gaming experience quite like this

In my opinion, this is the best game ever made, and I don't think there will be a better game unless Larian makes a new one.

some of the combat encounters in this game are out of this world. insanely fun ride especially on honor mode

A masterpiece. Even my sister, who doesn't play games, was fascinated by this one.

the definition of 'freedom' in a video game, right here

It’s hard to overstate the degree to which this article really crystallised a lot of my thoughts on this game:

BG3 deserves commendation for its commitment to player agency and the kind of work which must have gone into the optionality allowed to the player. But there’s just something about it which rubs me the wrong way. Maybe not every party member should be pansexual and keen to bone you irrespective of your gender identity, character class, ethos, etc. Maybe you shouldn’t be able to defeat this many of the bosses by tricking them into killing themselves by passing a couple of easy charisma checks! Maybe not every toy in the playground should exist mainly to tell me I’m awesome and try to suck my dick! You know?

I would actually eat the graphics of this game no joke. Think there could be improvements with body types though

Baldur’s Gate 3 was an interesting game, and unlike any other I’ve played before - with that said, it’s still a mixed bag for me. Instead of simply reviewing it, I’d like to list what I liked about the game and what I didn’t like to avoid waffling.
• The best part of Baldur’s Gate 3 is easily the combat/character building for me(until a certain point). Battles felt intense and tactical, and every level up felt important and impactful compared to other games where you would level up more commonly. I really enjoyed unlocking more feats, passives, spells etc for my build. The building system has a great complexity to it, but also a much needed accessibility to not drown in the meaning of eighty different status effects.
- Dialogue/writing, Bg3 had a great grasp on its characters and their purposes, with eloquent dialogue and narration. In my opinion, this game is much more successful in the small, situational aspects of the story than the larger scale ones.
- Sound effects
- Act 2 is the most well-trimmed part of the game, having a certain atmosphere and pace to it that Act 1 entirely lacked for me. Act 2 is interesting, it’s threatening to be in that world, and it’s main content (like finding the Nightsong) pays off just as much as it’s side content is fun to find and explore.
- Act 3 was a good break off from the first two acts in it’s more peaceful like exploration of the city and wrapping up a lot of previous storylines. It also had some of the best content, from the Steelwatch Foundry, Temple of Bhaal to the grand finale.
- Speaking of the finale, I thought the fighting and spectacle was great! The system to call in your allies wasn’t really that great though, and you only really need one or two.
Now we get into a list of negatives…
- Graphic fidelity/art direction: In my opinion, the art direction in this game was decent at best. I’ve played countless fantasy games, and a lot of areas in this game are uninspired compared to the magical worlds I’ve seen in others. There’s a sad absence of true environmental storytelling that I’ve come to love in the open-world RPG genre. The cutscenes in the finale of the game had half loaded in houses in the background with poor water textures, having this unfinished look to it as well. That could be an optimization issue with Xbox, but it’s the stronger hardware out of the two consoles so it wouldn’t be that much of an excuse.
- Looting might be my biggest concern with the game! Every RPG has a satisfying system of looting enemies when you beat them, getting that next big piece of gear to add to your build. This had none of that. Looting small enemies to daunting bosses was so underwhelming and really left me walking away from these epic fights disappointed.
- The level 12 cap. Are you serious? And we’ll never even get dlc to go further up in levels? Yeah, if anything really disappointed me was this. Level 12 isn’t even the highest you could get to, we did so many things after that I feel like I would’ve been easily level 15.

Overall, Baldur’s Gate 3 is a really fun game that I had an amazing time playing with my girlfriend cooperatively. It has its flaws, and many of those could be exclusive to my tastes, but it also offers an experience that I haven’t had in gaming before. It was a very memorable journey! To speak on my personal experience with the game, I was a Dragonborn Warlock with Gale and Jaheira as my main companions.
Rating of Acts:
Act 1: 5/10 (only the underdark redeems this part)
Act 2: 8.5/10
Act 3: 8/10
I will also close this out saying it was a bummer to hear we aren’t getting dlc. It makes me more reactive to my personal flaws with the game when I know there won’t be any future higher level cap, bosses, loot, or areas for example.