Reviews from

in the past

One of the most interesting fps games ive touched in many years and it has a lot going for it in terms of gameplay and depth. Story was okay just kinda short imo. Pick this game up off of a steam sale and have a nice afternoon shooting dudes and doing flips. 7.5/10

Cool game, just not fmy cup of tea. Movement and aesthetic were great, weapons felt terrible to use. Really good soundtrack. Levels lacked visual cues, felt too confusing at times.

masterpiece. this game really scratched that itch on my balls after i was done playing ultrakill.

Very cool movement mechanics, but ends up kind of feeling like you're mashing buttons to avoid getting hit.

Movement is the most important factor in Severed Steel and luckily it is quite easy to keep it as you blast enemies, pick up weapons and slow time when needed. The gameplay is quick and sleek while being a joy to blaze through hordes of enemies. The levels are also varied and get the right amount of difficult as the game progresses. The music is chock full of certified bangers and really made me feel like I was there. Severed Steel feels like Superhot meets the flash and that as a concept alone deserves a purchase

tight as hell, really fun movement and the good fast shooting

Awesome frenetic gameplay and good soundtrack

very short, very sweet. aesthetically stylish and mechanically exhilarating

severed steel is a movement shooter with a primarily dnb & house OST
it's got some pretty good visuals and some fun movement and gunplay, although i will say the movement options are rather dedicated and the flips while diving (which are likely possible to turn off) are pretty offputting when they happen
i can't say much for the ost, but it fits with the game just fine
otherwise, the game's fun

lo frenetico que es, la musica complementaria y los controles simples hacen a este juego uno de mis favoritos, es corto y de una sentada te lo puedes pasar, 100% recomendable

j'ai vraiment aimé casser des crane avec mes armes, et piqué les guns des noobs en face

awesome sauce gameplay and a cool soundtrack

Неплохая стрельба плюс крутые мувмент механики в обертке из довольно блеклого визуала, из-за чего игра воспринимается как демка. У игры как будто отсутствует какое то конечное видение, даже сюжет (если можно его так назвать) подается в виде немых раскадровок. Но зато проходится она за 3-4 часа, так что как минимум попробовать стоит.

a lot of the levels are designed terribly in the first couple chapters, but it gets better as it goes on. it's a way better game when they focus on more open levels rather than tight corridors and small rooms
the screen can get really messy and annoying with how much shit is going on at once, the extremely bright neon lights do not help with this at all
i really liked the movement and gunplay and how you are invincible whenever you're doing any stunts. it's a fun enough gameplay loop to leave me with a generally positive feeling on the game as a whole despite my complaints
really good atmo d&b soundtrack