Reviews from

in the past

The gameplay in this trilogy was decent, though the mechanics can become boring and repetitive at times. While some of the mini-games can be frustrating, others are refreshing and fun. The story didn't capture my interest, but overall, it's not a bad game.

it's fun but gets boring after a while plus the camera got me dizzy

Played on Xbox One for achievements.

This game is so fun as always. Spyro 3 in the trilogy is really rough and it makes me sad. Next time I will have to play the PS1 version instead.

this was my first time actually sitting down to play spyro as little kid me wasn't really good at the original one GLSKDJG overall it's a really fun collectathon and i like spyro the little purple guy

the first game is the one i played when i was a kid so it felt nostalgic. so glad they made the dragons hot. did not enjoy the final boss. fun game overall! we bothered to do 100% on this one and it was a worthy challenge. weirdly racist enemies though

the second game... i do not care about it much? weird story, even more weird enemies that i do not care about, this one is entirely just "what if for every level spyro joined some random war he did not know about on some random side" which felt odd. i don't care about these characters!!!

the third one is a lot more fun bc it actually makes sense for spyro to do things. the levels are a lot more interesting and the characters are interesting again. less weirdly racist enemies but they're still there. idk why they still kept some of those

some of the character redesigns are god fucking awful but overall this is a very well done remaster

great collection this was sadly the last time activision every thought about spyro

GooeyScale: 75/100

It’s as fun as the originals but all the style and rough edges have been sanded off making this version have much less bite to it if that makes any sense. It’s still the Spyro trilogy so it’s good but it’s not capturing the original’s style, just copying the gameplay

Spyro 1:
Light and breezy fun tbh! Pretty satisfying at points too!

I took off time from work when this bad boi came out. I enjoyed every second and I felt 8 again. This remake was great and tho some bits I still prefer from the old game I wont mark it down bc its still amazing. Its a special feeling to enjoy a series again close to when you 1st played it. The short king does it again, and with all the sass.

I'm mixed on this collection because I really enjoyed Spyro 1, but I didn't really like Ripto's Rage, and I didn't feel too strongly about Year of the Dragon. Not a bad collection of games at all, but the sequel games just weren't for me.

Я слишком устал, чтобы что-то писать. Просто скажу что игры хорошие, прошёл первую часть на одном дыхании. Вторая мне понравилась вроде бы больше, игра стала более разнообразной, появились традиционные боссы.... (в первой части они теоритически тоже есть, но я бы не назвал их традиционными боссами, ибо у них нету полоски хп ты просто за ними бегаешь по всему уровню) но в конце игра заставила меня гриндить штуки, которые до этого казались опционнальными, а в конце игры тебе говорят "собери большую часть этих штук чтобы открыть финального босса" я такой думаю "прикольно, это дроп" в тройке уже наученный второй игрой я начал собирать все коллектиблы, которые мог. К тому же, в этой игре это стало в разы интереснее, геймплейного разнообразия стало ещё больше, появились новые играбельные персонажи со своими отдельными уровнями и сегментами в основных уровнях. На финального босса нужно опять собрать 80% коллектиблсов, я буквально домучивал игру, потому что я играл марафоном всю трилогию, и к концу третьей части я заманался играть уже.


Если вам нравятся игры-собиралки, то трилогию сильно рекомендую! (вторую реально можно скипнуть, она самая слабая в трилогии мне показалась даже на фоне первой, а уж тем более третьей) Игры мне очень понравились! К концу марафона я просто устал.

P.S Уровни с полётами это какой-то пиздец! Не знаю управляется ли также как в оригинале, думаю что нет, но во всей трилогии я эти уровни нахер слал, благо их можно максимально скипать, не в одной игре ни один такой уровень не прошёл.

Am i just terrible or is platforming collectathon just way harder than I had the impression it was

so much of the charm of the originals has been lost. the simplistic art style has been covered in unreal engine grass that hides all the gems. the animated title screens and cool menus have been butchered. the character designs ripped in half. the skyboxes thrown into a meat grinder.

the biggest crime? actually making me play 2 & 3 as intended, not allowing me to skip most of the backtracking with my badass speedrunner skill.

at the end of the day, it's fine. there's just no reason for it to exist