Reviews from

in the past

bisexual "bunny girl" saves the world because she is bored

the bosses are genuinely like... peak gaming. it doesn't get better. one of the best ending sequences i've seen in a bit, due entirely to the bosses. cute artstyle and great music as well. also, there's surprisingly good VO work. that's a nice bonus.

the story falls a little flat, it's not awful or anything, but there's a couple characters that are introduced and then just are kinda... there for a good bit. like, they're important, they're needed for the story, but they don't get enough screen time or development to feel important. there's also a good couple of plot points that feel rather cliche and twists that are introduced... just 'cause.

but lemme gush about the bosses because HOLY SHIT THEY ARE PEAK. super fun attack patterns, just the right difficulty, it's all there. there's also a metric ton of them, which is nice.

its good :thumbsup:

One of my favorites Matroidvanias out there that is completely held back by how much the story crash downs by the later haf of it.