Reviews from

in the past

This whole game is just one giant love letter to The Beatles and their music.

I lost my mind when I saw this was announced on IGN's website in 2008. (Or was it GameSpot? Was I really just trawling those websites for upcoming games?)

I don't know how to justify a five-star rating other than to say that it's exactly what a huge Beatles fan like me would have wanted in a game like this. I mean, my username is "Ringo." Of course I wish there were more tracks, and there were some weird omissions — where is "She Loves You?" — but it's got a lovely art style and a fun career mode. There are also enough little extras and collectibles in there to intrigue big fans.

The Beatles' popularity has never been higher in my lifetime than it was in Fall 2009, and this game is a huge part of why. I will always look back fondly on nights playing with friends and family, even those who wouldn't otherwise play video games.

Beat on those drums like I'm John Lemon.