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Baldur's Gate 3 is an amazing CRPG.
However, I do think it is a little over-hyped and doesn't compare to BG2 which is still my favorite in the series. Let's start with my negatives:
- The plot has major pacing issues in Act 3
- Battles can take an eternity and sometimes some enemies just take a lot of time to do anything. I still vastly prefer the old battle system from BG1 and 2 that played more like a RTS sometimes.
- Some romance-related dialogues are very weird. Sometimes the game feels like a love parade or something, literally anyone in your party wants to bang you at some time in the story. It feels completely forced.

The positives, however, outshine the negatives:
- Stunning amount of freedom. In dialogues, in battles, in the overworld.
- Great visuals and amazing cut scenes for a CRPG
- Decent performance on the Steam Deck (Act 3 is a little sloppy)
- Top-notch voice acting
- Engaging plot, especially in Act 1 and 2
- Tons of tactical approaches in battles

LOVED this game as a huge DnD nerd. I feel like this will be the Skyrim of the 20s, massive pop cultural appeal for a fantasy RPG. I feel like the reviewers giving this game 10/10s may not have gotten to some of the Act 3 encounters when reviewing it because I found that there was consistently less care/detail put into those designs compared to the first two Acts. Still, its a modern marvel and a very important piece of gaming history that will inspire many more games to come. I'd love to see a remake on the first two games in this style one day.

Best release of 2023 by far felt the BIOWARE influence throughout, loved the callbacks to the first wo games as they felt tasteful and well-placed fun enjoyable characters plenty of options almost got two full re-playthroughs done before putting it to rest, well worth asking price.
Sucks there was no DLC and my runs were pretty glitchy at times with long load screens that ruined certain emotions points.

I cant even say anything here its legit such a great rpg its a must play.

Had an amazing experience playing this with my boyfriend although I’m not sure if I would’ve liked this as much if I played it alone, every act has its flaws and the story wasn’t the best, pretty weak villains and so much sassy characters they all felt the same, Karlach is the best because she was kind of in between being really sweet and badass but also not afraid to speak up and disagree with you with something (nicely), how the hell do people like Astarion so much, much less simp for him, he’s like a 5 year old stuck in a man’s body, Shadowheart was pretty sassy too and I see a lot of girls calling her annoying yet then they love Astarion, make that make sense, I’m sure they warm up if you romance them but they weren’t that likeable without that element whilst Karlach was great to be with and had a pretty interesting part to the story, loved running with her through hell in the end 😌 anyways, still lots of great parts and location and it’s definitely a game type that I’m not quite used to, part of me would compare it to Diablo 4 or Skyrim a lot in moments that did things better but I can’t fault the things BG3 did that were new to me but cool, being able to talk to animals, or turn into one (like a dinosaur), change classes whenever (I changed mine 3x), having many many choices and influence in the game etc, although I can’t lie I did really want to side with the sleeping dragon but eventually finding out that we had no choice but to fight him was annoying, same with that vampire (I can’t remember the name of) who we brought Astarion to and YET still had to fight?? Weird.

Sin palabras , uno de los mejores juegos que e jugado en mi vida ♥️

This game is from the future, I don’t know what else to tell you. Baldur’s Gate 3 was a game that I never heard of I’ll be honest. When it won game of the year I didn’t really care, spider man 2 was good but I knew it was not going to win. Went into this game not knowing about the turn based combat and it did not bother me at all. This is also a game where I can do anything and it is not illegal. The story is amazing, the score is excellent, and the characters are crazy horny. You literally DO IT with everybody you meet pretty much and sums up character development and different feelings. By the end of this game I was sobbing, this game made me feel things so much. One of the best games I ever played that I will always go back to. Masterpiece!

The game does a very interesting job adapting tabletop rules but I don't think this necessarily means it's a good videogame. It is terrible at explaining it's mechanics and asking me to manage 6 - 8 character's complex builds is too much. Combat feels slow and unrewarding, dice rolls get boring soon (and often force you to quicksave all the time, getting a bad outcome beacause you were unlucky is so frustrating). Different medias have different needs and I don't think this game really undestands that.

very long game but really good

It’s hard to overstate the degree to which this article really crystallised a lot of my thoughts on this game:

BG3 deserves commendation for its commitment to player agency and the kind of work which must have gone into the optionality allowed to the player. But there’s just something about it which rubs me the wrong way. Maybe not every party member should be pansexual and keen to bone you irrespective of your gender identity, character class, ethos, etc. Maybe you shouldn’t be able to defeat this many of the bosses by tricking them into killing themselves by passing a couple of easy charisma checks! Maybe not every toy in the playground should exist mainly to tell me I’m awesome and try to suck my dick! You know?

I would actually eat the graphics of this game no joke. Think there could be improvements with body types though

super fun game. i love dnd so it helps. but the game is very creative and allows for silliness.

An absolute masterpiece that I have to shelve for now. Its too much for me. I'm happy just finishing Act 1 for right now. So much of what makes D&D such an amazing game to run, they really did think of everything when designing this game in terms of what you are able to do with just about EVERYTHING in the world.

Spartiacque che fonda un archetipo e punto di non ritorno, di quelli che all'interno di un sottogenere - o di una intera tipologia del videogioco - in altri tempi ne sarebbero usciti a getto costante mentre oggi è un lusso trovarne 1-2 ogni sette o otto anni. La profondità di scrittura dei personaggi, con le loro caratterizzazioni che si sviluppano in modo del tutto coerente, senza una minima sbavatura, a volte esprimendosi con una singola linea di dialogo o un'espressione del volto. Non solo nostri compagni del gruppo ma amici.. perchè quello diventano quando si finisce con l'affezionarcisi. E poi gli altri personaggi non giocanti con i quali scambiamo numerose interazioni; sono dozzine e ognuno ha una sua personalità o caratteristica distintiva. I tiefling li ho salvati tutti perchè a perderne anche solo uno non me lo sarei perdonato. Il senso del viaggio con la sua epica e assoluta credibilità nella gestione delle conseguenze, dove anche quelle apparentemente più improbabili o contrastanti trovano sempre una dimensione e collocazione naturale ai loro pregressi. Ho amato ogni istante di Baldur's Gate 3 e di difetti non ne saprei proprio trovarne. Neppure in alcuni scontri che mi sono sembrati parecchio sbilanciati, perchè sono sicuro che se li provassi con altri personaggi o usando altre combinazioni di attacco.. anche quelli si rivelerebbero strepitosi. O l'avvio del terzo atto che sembra un'involuzione e invece nel suo essere diverso dagli altri trova l'eccezionalità del proporre qualcosa di costantemente nuovo, senza mai ripetersi (a me ha ha ricordato alcuni librigame ai quali sono incredibilmente affezionato come "La città proibita" di Oberon o "La città dei misteri" di Sortilegio; atmosfere nelle quali mi sono pienamente immerso con puro gaudio). Ci sono tanti momenti, commoventi o ilari, tensivi o quieti, che mi hanno fatto capire quanto ormai fossi personalmente coinvolto nelle vicende di questi personaggi. E ho adorato come nella chiusura tutto vada al suo posto, senza lasciare nulla in sospeso. E' la gratificazione più grande che questo capolavoro avrebbe potuto darmi.

it's, like, really good but the final ten hours of the game will be the worst slog of your life. genuinely.

It was a pretty solid TRPG for an act and a half, with strong encounter design, but over-optimizing the party killed it for me about halfway through. I was shocked when I first learned people liked this for the characters.

It is unbelievable that this game exists. Truly a labor of love full of interesting characters and quests and environments. An instant classic.

This review contains spoilers

An incredible accomplishment in video gaming. However, I'm rating it a 4/5 because while this game is fantastic, it is absolutely not without its flaws. Act 3 (at the time of this review; June 2024) is noticeably buggy, and the final boss battle was more annoying than anything else.

Overall though, I think that the sheer amount of options that this game offers is well worth the price of admission.

too lazy to log but already played this game 3 times within like 2 months and plan to play more soon :)

Play this single player. Co op has you miss the best part of the game, the companions.

the definition of 'freedom' in a video game, right here

Um dos melhores jogos que ja joguei,se voce tiver a oportunidade de um dia jogar jogue vc n vai se arrepender,ainda mais se tiver um amigo para jogar a campanha com vc junto pois tornar tudo mais divertido.

Fun game that you most likely will sink a lot of time into if you're really into large scale RPG's. I only tried this game out because I've already played a shit ton of D&D, and the idea of a 5e Baldur's Gate was really appealing to me. Was not disappointed. Make sure to check out Larian Studios' other games, they're really good at making RPG's.

I love BG3 so much. The mechanics of the game are so well thought out and you can easily tell how much love was put into the game. The story is a little above mid but the cast takes the cake. Best one of the best DnD like experience games. Unfortunately the fandom is full of idiots and weirdos which completely ruined the experience for me. I've seen gross takes that just ruin the way I look at certain characters. I really don't care what anyone says, a fandom CAN ruin your experience with a game

Baldur’s Gate 3 was an interesting game, and unlike any other I’ve played before - with that said, it’s still a mixed bag for me. Instead of simply reviewing it, I’d like to list what I liked about the game and what I didn’t like to avoid waffling.
• The best part of Baldur’s Gate 3 is easily the combat/character building for me(until a certain point). Battles felt intense and tactical, and every level up felt important and impactful compared to other games where you would level up more commonly. I really enjoyed unlocking more feats, passives, spells etc for my build. The building system has a great complexity to it, but also a much needed accessibility to not drown in the meaning of eighty different status effects.
- Dialogue/writing, Bg3 had a great grasp on its characters and their purposes, with eloquent dialogue and narration. In my opinion, this game is much more successful in the small, situational aspects of the story than the larger scale ones.
- Sound effects
- Act 2 is the most well-trimmed part of the game, having a certain atmosphere and pace to it that Act 1 entirely lacked for me. Act 2 is interesting, it’s threatening to be in that world, and it’s main content (like finding the Nightsong) pays off just as much as it’s side content is fun to find and explore.
- Act 3 was a good break off from the first two acts in it’s more peaceful like exploration of the city and wrapping up a lot of previous storylines. It also had some of the best content, from the Steelwatch Foundry, Temple of Bhaal to the grand finale.
- Speaking of the finale, I thought the fighting and spectacle was great! The system to call in your allies wasn’t really that great though, and you only really need one or two.
Now we get into a list of negatives…
- Graphic fidelity/art direction: In my opinion, the art direction in this game was decent at best. I’ve played countless fantasy games, and a lot of areas in this game are uninspired compared to the magical worlds I’ve seen in others. There’s a sad absence of true environmental storytelling that I’ve come to love in the open-world RPG genre. The cutscenes in the finale of the game had half loaded in houses in the background with poor water textures, having this unfinished look to it as well. That could be an optimization issue with Xbox, but it’s the stronger hardware out of the two consoles so it wouldn’t be that much of an excuse.
- Looting might be my biggest concern with the game! Every RPG has a satisfying system of looting enemies when you beat them, getting that next big piece of gear to add to your build. This had none of that. Looting small enemies to daunting bosses was so underwhelming and really left me walking away from these epic fights disappointed.
- The level 12 cap. Are you serious? And we’ll never even get dlc to go further up in levels? Yeah, if anything really disappointed me was this. Level 12 isn’t even the highest you could get to, we did so many things after that I feel like I would’ve been easily level 15.

Overall, Baldur’s Gate 3 is a really fun game that I had an amazing time playing with my girlfriend cooperatively. It has its flaws, and many of those could be exclusive to my tastes, but it also offers an experience that I haven’t had in gaming before. It was a very memorable journey! To speak on my personal experience with the game, I was a Dragonborn Warlock with Gale and Jaheira as my main companions.
Rating of Acts:
Act 1: 5/10 (only the underdark redeems this part)
Act 2: 8.5/10
Act 3: 8/10
I will also close this out saying it was a bummer to hear we aren’t getting dlc. It makes me more reactive to my personal flaws with the game when I know there won’t be any future higher level cap, bosses, loot, or areas for example.

started this with a friend and its fun but im waiting for the modding tools to come out so i can make a cute hair style and outfit

This game is a modern marvel, and I look forward to playing through it again some day.

It seems cool and I can tell it's a great game but I don't really like it.

It makes me feel incompetent because the combat is impossible for me even on easy mode.

I have never seen anybody mention the combat being hard so I'm not sure what's wrong with me.

Think I got a cursed copy.

Ben Drowned 2?