Reviews from

in the past

Can't really complain much about this one. Was a cute and fun time. The graphics are 100% the standout here from its beautiful art design to the striking color palette that gives a unique cutesy macabre twist to the afterlife. The story accompanies the setpiece well, with touching and thoughtful characters. Just wish that the antagonist was a little more well developed.

Game mechanics were awesome for an RPG2K3 game. Not every day I get to see a timing based attack. Unfortunately I found the battles to be quite buggy at times with me even shouting at my screen wondering why hitting the down arrow didn't let me dodge. Other times I had to hit the dodge button as I was navigating the menu. Obviously this isn't quite the best engine to implement those kinds of mechanics but I don't blame em. I do just kinda wish it was just vanilla ATB if it meant it was a smoother experience.

Can't complain though. Great game, great experience. Only really took me 2 hours to beat and it's free so I'd say this is worth your time!

Lo descargue pensando q me lo pasaría bien jugando y tal, he jugado a todos los finales y con el último he llorado


Some might say it's great for a free game, but it would still be great, if you had to pay for it. I love the style and music, even if the story is nothing too novel. I wish the game was kind of a demo/teaser to a more full-fledged adventure.