Reviews from

in the past

much like a big mac, do not consume too much in a single sitting

I technically first played this, very briefly, on ps4 years ago, in 2016, when it first launched. At the time I enjoyed it but I never finished it. Probaby... two or three years ago I got it on PC and actually finished it, and I enjoyed it far more than I thought I would.
Normally i'm against Episodic content in games but I feel like for Hitman, due to the game having a mission structure, levels focused on their sandbox nature, being replayed continuously challenges and user-generated content, not only did the episodic nature not feel as offensive as some other games, but you had plenty to do in each episode and it made the whole experience worthwhile.

Sadly it was an always-online experience, as you couldn't access the challenges to unlock new items, or really do anything except play the missions with what items you already have, in offline mode. The game is also no longer available for purchase, due to the entire WoA trilogy being grouped into one game (with this game being considered a "Season 1" and available as dlc within hitman 2 and 3, although with previous owners of hitman 1 being able to claim the "season 1" dlc for free, and import most of their completion progress.)

on its own, pretty good and worth the price if you got it back when it was live. Nowadays I would just buy the whole WoA trilogy bundle that way you get an active online community for the title and any elusive targets that appear in it.

Super fun for short bursts and then eh.

a very fine stealth game, I think only major problem is storyline is pretty terrible but apart from that it’s very Good

IDEK how to rate the new trilogy since they all blend into World of Assassination. I had a good time, but something about the older titles appeals to me more than these ones. Will be replaying via WoA at some point.

Goated! best stealth game series i've ever played is hitman

The first entry into the World of Assassination trilogy still has some of the best maps of all 3, and set the template the other games would follow. The trilogy is so interlinked now that it can be hard to talk about each individual entry, but I would say the original is still the best.

The first few levels I played were solid.
The DRM is intrusive and unnecessary. I got interrupted while playing because of a server issue—quite the immersion breaker.

I finished this shit while rewatching Smiley Face with the love of my life.

Seriously though, I am genuinely impressed. For the first time, a Hitman game with a story that actually feels interesting. I did think some of the levels were a bit weak, and I still have yet to adjust to the Absolution/Blood Money gameplay fusion, but this game was pretty good. Started 2 and am thoroughly enjoying it so far.

I am playing via WOA Hitman 3 update but am rating them individually still.

Only ever played the demo cus I played absolution and like it was fun I played it hella I remember spending hours killing everyone and stacking their body's together shit was crazy I'm probably a sociopath but we outside 8/10 but after buying it and actually playing the levels 10/10

THE example of good episodic gaming. A reboot that lived up and even surpassed the original games in the first entry of a very good trilogy.

Played a bit of it but didn't get hooked quickly enough, but seems like the kind of game I would love once I get used to it. Will re-play it in the future and give it another go.

Perfect stealth sandbox with unlimited replay value that isn't MGSV.

I bought Hitman as soon as the Paris map was released, and I've sort of just never stopped playing it. This soft reboot of the series takes the sandbox level design of the older games and dramatically increases the scale, filling each environment with discrete NPCs and little important details about the world. The implicit class commentary in the older games is made explicit in this one; all 47 needs to become invisible to his wealthy targets is to wear the outfit of a service worker.

A huge amount of the gameplay in Hitman consists of the player obtaining a work uniform of some kind and observing a target, or someone associated with a target, and discerning both their schedule and their motivations. Each target has a number of ironic, narratively-appropriate, cinematic kills attached to them, and because Hitman levels are designed to be replayed over and over again, your sort of always getting to know the targets and the people surrounding them more and more intimately, each interruption you make into their schedules revealing more and more specific information. Each Hitman level is therefore like a spy novel-puzzle box, where narrative and gameplay are always neatly in sync with one another. An all-timer.