Reviews from

in the past

Decidi "aposentar" depois de até esquecer que tinha começado. É um jogo que não me vejo zerando ou mesmo tentando zerar (dizem que é possível... não sei se acredito), mas é simplesmente muito gostoso de pegar para jogar por uns 20 minutos – e isso ainda vou fazer algumas vezes, com certeza, então quem sabe algum dia? No mais, fiquei bastante impressionado com a forma como adaptaram o universo Pokémon para o pinball! Não fazia ideia do que esperar (não tive um GBC), mas é tudo muito bacana mesmo.

I'm not that great at pinball so I wasn't able to see all the game had to offer (I don't have the patience to play this more) but I think it was pretty alright. The biggest villain of this game howerver, is the white flash that occurs when swapping screen, that shit sucks man. If you wanna play a Pokemon Pinball game then try the GBA one.

Once again, Pokemania in the late 90s was a hell of a thing. Pinball machines were something I only had a passing interest in as a kid, but slap some Pokemon theming on it? I was all over it. In retrospect, it was pretty much just any old pinball game, but the Pokemon elements were definitely cute

My first Pokemon game. Yea.
My parents have the high score on both tables in this game.