Reviews from

in the past

This how real men play re4 like I cant even begin to describe my love for this game like if their was a game that like is in my blood it's this game man like I'm not even joking probably beat this game like 30 times before my age reached double digits like holy shit man like all love and appreciation for anything video game related can be traced back to this game inventory management this game my love for the mauser and street sweeper this game the sl8 this game cool ass boss designs this game my fear for big shit in water this game my deep sexual attraction to asian women this game like if there's one game I had to chose to stay in my memory forever like every other getting erased type shit its this game man holy I replayed it and beat it prob another 50 times over the course of my life like I remember going to my old wee and booting this up and ion remember if I had my old data or not but either way I grinded the shit completely and got like the Thompson n shit using that lil two handed controller i cant remember the name of man good memories timeless/10