Reviews from

in the past

One of my favorites when I was younger
Played this one even more than Wild World and have fond memories of trading fruits and items with friends

your character doesn't get wet when it's raining so it's a bad game

"guys guys!!! did you already know that i have the animal crossing new leaf edition of the new nintendo 3ds XL"

this genuinely might b the best game n the series it just OOZES w/ personality n content it s quite amazing !! i remember some of my favorite times spent on it wuz playing hours going onto the online islands 2 make friends !! also this s probably a stupid thing 2 hope 4.. but i hope that someday they will recapture the charm of this game n wild world w/ the additions of new horizons like the terraforming cuz it would genuinely be like the most perfect game ever f they did that !!