Reviews from

in the past

how am i even supposed to review this

I have too much play time on this

Didnt play enough but ugly laughed everytime i got the chance to

Perdeu a magia que tinha antigamente por volta de 2015 - 2018, entrar em servidores públicos me garantiu experiências HORRIVEIS com uns moleque de 9/12 Anos, não acho que vale mais a pena isso ser jogado, mas a ideia era muito boa

2/10 Horrível

everyone must have over 500 hours in this game

this was the first game I bought on Steam, it was worth my 20 reais at the time. I had a lot of fun, but it gets boring after some hours playing it.

Played it a lot when I was like 12 or something idk. Something to definitely check out if it want a bit of a time capsule into the internet.

the source engine is the greatest game engine of all time change my mind this is beautiful

"It is good day to be not DED" - A random Heavy moments before becoming dead.

The ultimate sandbox experience right here. Gamemodes, poster making, animation, and workshop content galore. Gmod is a goldmine of content making right here going 20 years strong!

this game is just perfection, nothing bad i can say just please check out the mod scene it's a fun time!

Puedo ser Toji, buen juego carrileado por una increíble comunidad

this is the best game ever when youre fucking around with your friends in gm_construct

The most essential unintuitive game

Faça sua criatividade e esquisitice aflorar!

O jogo é bom só com amigos, sem amigos é meio sem graça.

Incredibly fun game, this game is still the best place to experience the online gaming world of the 2000s.

So many hours solely spent playing TTT, the best gamemode no doubt.

:] love it

A felicidade acaba quando pegam um propulsor no máximo e somem com meus props😭😭😭😭


Join a dark rp server, rdm, get banned, rinse and repeat

I play mainly TTT with my friends in garrys mod its just so fun. Garrys mod is like one of the best sandbox games with such a good modding community.

i can never seem to make up my mind whether this game is genuinely goated or genuinely boring

My introduction into PC gaming.
What a masterpiece

Not much more really needs to be said about this game. To date this is still my most played game and its not even close. Definitely a refreshing experience to go back to because it feels like a time capsule from the mid 2000s. Decades of content to explore in the workshop as well as numerous game modes and experiences to check out in multiplayer servers.