Reviews from

in the past

Pretty fun game. Missions were easy to follow, and Niko himself is a pretty badass character in my opinion. Easily my favourite GTA game.

Muy buen juego, lo disfrute bastante. Historia Buena con un protagonista con un arco de personaje muy, muy bueno. Creo que Niko Bellic se convirtió en mi protagonista favorito de los Grand Theft Auto. Cabe recalcar que no me parece que sea mejor juego que GTA V como menciona mucha gente, en mi opinión la historia de GTA V es mas emocionante, pero talvez sea nostalgia(No jugué el GTA IV en su tiempo ). Pero bueno, no estoy aquí para comparar juegos. El único problema con el juego que tuve fue que me pareció que los personajes interesantes y que me gustaban, no fueron muy recurrentes en la historia o por lo menos no salieron tanto como me hubiera gustado como por ejemplo little jacob, roman y brucie. El final me pareció bueno y apropiado para una historia como la de Niko Bellic. También quiero mencionar que el port de pc de este juego es un Vil mierda, demasiados crasheos y no corre como deberia. pero bueno, el juego me parecio lo suficientemente bueno como para tankear todos esos problemas.

Hesap eşleşmeleri bozuk oynanmıyor yani sırf gta4 oynayabilmek için GTA 5 ve RDR2 yi feda etmem gerekiyor sikko rockstar launcher saolsun

I got this game sealed at a Rasputin Records for 3 dollars, beyond that I can't tell you shit else

mein lieblings gta teil :DD gebraucht im gamestop gekauft und auf einem röhrenfernseher gespielt^^ mir gefiel die story und ganz besonders die nebencharaktere wie brucie oder little jacob :) war auch einer meiner ersten spiele die ich online auf der ps3 gespielt habe heeeeftig einfach damals

Enjoyable, but not breathtaking. Fun, but repetitive gameplay leaves much to be desired, but it's fun for what it is. It doesn't have a lot of fun open world content either, but for its time it was very interesting.

Too many missions involve chasing a guy with your car while shooting out the window. Great story though. Vladivostok FM was the best station.

Missions restarting from the beginning is insane.

I enjoy GTA games mainly for the sheer spectacle on display. They are huge games with budgets to match. I don't think any of the GTA games have ever actually been fun to play, at least when it comes to the core shooting and their main mission design. For being a series that has a lot of freedom to do whatever in the open world, the missions are always extremely restrictive and sometimes frustratingly janky. I feel like every GTA has a mission that demands you do a specific jump onto a running train or something that can, and will frequently go wrong, instantly killing you. Other games would make this a scripted thing that's very difficult to fail so you can get the satisfaction of doing a cool looking setpiece, but in GTA if you don't line up your motorcycle just right or whatever you will just repeatedly eat it.

The comedy clubs you can visit in GTA IV are funny simply for how dated they are now. I love the 45 second long Ricky Gervais bit where he's just not particularly funny.

This game is the the peak of GTA series, It has the best narrative, best physics, best setting, best characters... Everything that's good in any GTA game is here. One of my favorite games of all time. Another detail is the wonderful soundtrack, no game protagonist other than Arthur Morgan has moved me more than Niko Bellic. In addition to being probably the most revolutionary open world game of the 7th generation of games, it is probably, side to GTA III, Rockstar's most revolutionary game. If you have the opportunity, play this game.

the pc port was horrendous, the story was the most serious one in the series (the best one imo) but the gameplay didn't age very well, vehicles are drenched in oil it seem, gunplay was clunky af, overall it's a must play solely for the world and the story, avoid the port if possible.

o tanto de problema que esse port tem é uma tristeza, mas o jogo é muito foda

Le jeu qui m'a mis une claque pour la première fois de ma vie

msm antigo tem muitos detalhes. 2008. jogão

lets you feel and live like a russian without hassle and shame of actually being one. could you imagine?

If there is one GTA game you should play for the story it'd be this one.
Niko feels believable as a character and the remaining cast bounces off him really well.
It's also very fun to watch him be shot off a windshield after crashing.

dirigir nesse jogo é um inferno

Pretty good bowling simulator!

Ultimate eastern european cousin experience

Merci le bug de la balançoire pour tous les doux souvenirs

My favourite GTA game to date. I can still remember the palpable excitement I felt in anticipation of this release and even today I think it's something that is unmatched in the open world crime genre.

The more serious tone, the cast of characters and their mostly bleak outcomes, the rigid driving feel, the radio stations, it all comes together to create such a vibe. The city itself is a character and she's one of my favourites.

Fin troppo sottovalutato.

GTA IV is a gritty, dark take on the open-world crime genre. Niko's story is surprisingly serious compared to other GTA games, and Liberty City is a grimy, detailed place that feels lived-in. Driving and shooting aren't the best, feeling a bit stiff, and while there's plenty of craziness, it's also got this somber vibe. Still, if you're into a more grounded (if still super chaotic) GTA experience, IV is a classic.

En proceso de hacer el 100% (algún día), la historia es muy buena, la conducción la critican muchísimo pero es que me da que la gente no sabe como funciona un coche o sólo se basa en otros gta.. NIKO, LETS GO BOWLING

yeah I think it's better than GTA V fight me.