Reviews from

in the past

Gráficos incríveis, gameplay do combate muito boa, só achei os inimigos um pouco repetitivos, queria uma sequencia.

Not sure if it was just my disappointment with my previous game (Hellblade 2), but I had a lot of fun with Ryse and honestly don't get why its ratings are so low.
Sure, the story is as nonsensical and bland as you would assume, and it's honestly hilarious how this game tries to make the Roman empire escape from the "are we the baddies" allegations, but I definitely wasn't playing this for the (bad) history lessons.
On the other hand, I found the combat very satisfying, heavy but fluid, simple but interesting enough. Since Ryse doesn't overstay its welcome, I never found it repetitive, and I actually decided to try my hand on its multiplayer because I still wanted a bit more.
In short, this is a pretty decent game as long as you don't take it too seriously and just want to enjoy a heavy, moderately-brutal brawler. Which, lucky me, was my case.

Ryse é típico jogo com o famoso potencial desperdiçado, servindo mais como um show case gráfico para o que seria a nova geração (Não foi exatamente isso que vimos rsrs) um jogo de 2013 com gráficos absurdos até para os dias de hoje, dando um coro em muito jogo atual, a engine da Crytek desde Crysis é realmente impressionante.

Porém nem só de gráfico se faz um jogo, apesar de gostar bastante da gameplay, ela é muito simples e bastante repetitiva além do jogo ser muito fácil até na última dificuldade. O jogo segue um esquema de bate, defende, rola e finaliza com "QTEs" do inicio ao fim, o que pode deixar o jogo maçante.

A história é bem maneira, e poderia ser aproveitada em uma sequencia, gostaria muito que a MS voltasse com esse jogo, ele tinha muito potencial, o que seria incrível revê-lo com uma gameplay estilo souls, acho que se encacharia bem no estilo do jogo, e seria uma IP da MS pra competir com os Souls do mercado.

Sinto falta de jogos nesse estilo e período que tinham no PS2, como: Shadow of Rome, Colosseum e Spartan Total Warrior.

Not enough Roman propaganda

Un despropósito total, su excelente apartado artistico y recreación de la Roma imperial palidece ante defectos como un gameplay insípido y monótono, una historia muy poco inspirada, personajes poco interesantes, una primera mitad lenta e insufrible, acompañado de un diseño de escenarios poco dado a la exploración y el nulo interés de los desarrolladores en darle nuevas herramientas al jugador para renovar la propuesta jugable, hacen que esta obra responda más a las necesidades comerciales para la entonces nueva consola de Microsoft que en entregar una experiencia que trascienda con el paso del tiempo.

Ryse: Son of Rome is a decent game, with fun if very basic action combat that is heavily carried by its visual style and fidelity, which still impress to this day.

Ryse: Son of Rome is perhaps most notable for being one of the launch titles for the Xbox One besides Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct, and Forza Motorsport 5, all of which were exclusive. It's tough not to feel bad for those games since in 2013, Xbox had garnered quite a bad reputation with its audience after the whole DRM snafu and Don Mattrick's attitude towards always-online connectivity. To smooth all that over, it seemed like the launch titles had to do even more legwork than they already were to get the system back in gamers' good graces again.

Since I was way more interested in the PS4 at the time, I didn't try out those launch titles for myself until much later, and certainly, of the ones I've already mentioned, I can confidently say that Ryse: Son of Rome has all the hallmarks of a launch title, for better or worse, by which I mean that Ryse goes all in on the style and little of the substance.

In terms of the visuals and performances, Ryse is genuinely impressive and definitely holds up today. By and large, it's a fairly generic Roman revenge story, but the acting and the vistas you're treated to throughout its ~5-hour campaign more than make up the difference. John Hopkins as protagonist Marius especially delivers an impressive performance; one that would no doubt help him land the role of Erend in the Horizon games or Lucas Grey in the Hitman reboot trilogy.

When it comes to gameplay, however, that's a different story. I cannot disparage Ryse too much for the gameplay being incredibly repetitive, given that it was originally meant to be a Kinect-only first-person game and officially started development in 2006. Crytek clearly had a rough go with trying to get this game finished and on store shelves, that much is clear from reading into this game's backstory. However, historical context or not, the gameplay here is still lacking.

It's a super basic hack-and-slash with finishers in the form of quick time events where enemies flash in the color of the button you're supposed to press. It's admittedly quite fun, even if it is basic, for the first hour or two. Less fun however when that ends up being the exact same loop for the rest of the game.

To be fair, they do try and spice it up every now and then when Marius commands his legion to march with him in a line and take on an enemy horde as a unit, but even this becomes monotonous after a while.

All in all, Ryse: Son of Rome is a game that undoubtedly looks and sounds much better than it plays, despite its attempts to switch things up every now and then. It's not a bad game by any means but it's certainly the definition of 'mid'. Thankfully the studio went on to make the much-cherished gothic horror shooter Hunt: Showdown so I'm glad they were able to put their talents towards more fun projects.


Un juego sin más
Muy buenos graficos para la epoca pero unos enemigos y combate repetitivos

All guys think about the Roman Empire

This is a game that deserves to be remade with better graphics, framerate and more interesting combat, the story is very movie-like, but the gameplay leaves some things to be desired.

This is more of a tech demo than a fully feature complete game, and for its time Crytek was lowkey cooking. The story is pretty generic as it covers the most common tropes already covered in most roman army stories, but the presentation is gorgeous, especially when played at 4K, where the attention to detail really pops out, whether it be textures, environments, effects, or the facial animations, it's impressive. Other than that, it's the the type of game you play to experience once and never touch it again

will stream it it's a fun game and maybe play on higher levels

Graficamente perfeito (na época), Ryse: Son of Rome traz um enredo acelerado e uma jogabilidade que evolui pouco.
Ryse não é bom. Também não é muito ruim, mas normalmente não é o tipo de jogo que eu recomendaria. É como Transformers 2, pois o valor da produção é estelar, mas não há alma no jogo. É masturbatório – efeitos especiais por efeitos especiais. Combine isso com o fato de que a Crytek nem se preocupou em atender usuários de PC com mouse e teclado com sua mecânica e… bem, é frustrante.

Eu ainda sou um fanático por gráficos, mesmo que apenas como um entusiasta da busca técnica, e nesse sentido vale a pena conferir Ryse . Os gráficos não fazem um bom jogo, isso é certo, mas todo mundo gosta de andar em um carro esporte brilhante, mesmo que seja “objetivamente” um desperdício de dinheiro.


Ancient Rome is so cool. There needs to be more game set in ancient rome, why did this game never get a sequel?

Gráficos -> Cara por ser um jogo de 2013 achei os gráficos bem bonitos, talvez pudesse ser mais bonito nas batalhas, com mais sangue, etc.

História -> Uma história boa.

Jogabilidade -> No combate achei meio esquisita e fácil demais, a movimentação é ok.

Trilha sonora -> Trilha sonora ok, não teve nenhum momento em que ela apareceu e tu pensou "Caralh*", poderia ter sido muito mais marcante.

Sons -> Os sons da armadura são bons, da espada fincando é bom, das flechas atingindo o escudo, tudo muito bom na dos sons do game.

Bugs -> No corredor final do jogo tive bugs inúmeras vezes, comandos que não apareciam para eu fazer, não me permitiam defender basicamente.

Nível de diversão -> Cara o jogo me prendeu bem, creio que os objetivos bem traçados foram cruciais para isso, e sem mapas (Fases) que se estendem por horas e horas.

Vale a pena -> Sim, eu gostei bastante desse jogo.

Considerações finais ------------------------------

(Pontos Positivos)
-> Curti o visual dos soldados.
-> Dublagem PT/BR
-> Senti ódio genúino dos filhos de Nero
-> As execuções são muito boas, assim como poder alternar qual boos voce quer: EXP, foco, vida ou dano
-> O jogo é bem bonito.

(Pontos Negativos)
-> Combate relativamente fácil.
-> A evolução de habilidades também é fácil.
-> Sinto que faltou explorar mais as emoções de Mario.