Reviews from

in the past

So fun but so grindy.. its addicting

Listen i am all warframed out. They get new quests which i usually play but it feels like torture to play or better said grind for anything other than that. Don't get me wrong i have made great friends on that game and amazing memories.
If you are looking for an amazing free game you got one right here but FOCUS ON ONE THING AT A TIME. If you try to do a lot of things at once or you get easily distracted you will not have a good time have a wiki and maybe a clan member near by. Also yes Clans join one and start talking to dudes or guys
and perhaps even men. this is a social mmo like game thingy it will make the grind easier to handle. Anyway go play the new Farming Simulator

Everything is achievable in the game. Purely f2p IF you got the free time to dump into this.

Great community, best economy in a free game, great development team, awesome story and overall extremely fun/satisfying to play

só joga quem nao tem nenhum tipo de responsabilidade na vida

melhor live service que warframe impossível

shield gating was a mistake

Biggest issue: All of the plat farming methods require co-op which is extremely boring if you encounter 3 casuals in a hard gamemode such as level cap

me deu um certo burnout a partir de um ponto, MUITO grind, mas a lore é genuinamente otima, a gameplay é extremamente fluida e a comunidade é muito acolhedora. alem de ser 100% jogavel de graça, é muito bom pra se jogar pra passar o tempo

Dark times, just let it go...

Great game but falls short due to boring mission structure