Reviews from

in the past

(Review from 2019) Satisfying post-game content with some good missions that extend the games gameplay. I really dig the zip lines. Content is pretty digestible and feels like an achievable size, and fits pretty well into the overall story. Took me about 10 hours? Which isn’t bad, but was a bit short. Downside is the one trophy is bugged, so it took me a while to try to load prisoner cages before I realized I had to change a setting

A solid 10 hour DLC, I think what it lacks in changed gameplay it makes up for in a solid narrative that builds on the early days of the Assassins/Hidden Ones

The new region of Sinai is well made features some interesting enemy camps (the one over the secluded bay with a ton of ziplines comes to mind) I had fun & it didn't overstay it's welcome but I am excited to get to the Curse DLC as I expect it to be more diverse gameplay wise

"We have done good."

The Hidden Ones is the true ending of the main story of Assassin's Creed: Origins as it serves as a somewhat sequel to the events of that game. This DLC features a new "zone", decent amount of side quests, a new story and some decent legendary weapons for those who want to liberate Sinai.

As I said, this DLC takes place in Sinai four years later after the main events of the game. Bayek is called upon by the bureau to aid the assassins and kill a roman general. This whole story is done in 8 missions and to be very honest, they are fine but not that great. Some of them are borderline filler content that does not serve any purpose other than to stretch out the length of the DLC (before you kill the main bad guy, you need to kill three lieutenants and these are utterly easy missions). The new location is great, it looks really good and I really liked the 2 legendaries this DLC introduces but other than that, my experience was pretty lackluster, especially since a lot of people love this DLC. The length of the adventure was something that I disliked the most, it is super short and does not provide enough when it comes to it's story.

The Hidden Ones is a decent little experience and if you want more Origins in your life, give this one a go.