Reviews from

in the past

Incredible music. Shade outdid himself probably surpassing his AliceSoft highs. The game is nice too.

I'm going to compare this game to OMORI because I want to.

First, let me just state that those two games have very different atmosphere and genre. Demons Roots makes you play as Deathpolca, a plant demon fighting against the inequity in the world she lives in. OMORI you play as a boy who's living in a world of escapism.

But what makes me prefer Demons Roots over OMORI is that Demons Roots has better pacing (no dream world stuff), more characters (bonus that all of them have personalities and lovely interactions between them all) and just better emotional moments (Hype, sad, angry, happiness, despair) and ending. (I didn't feel any hype in OMORI because the story is meant to be dark. Fair enough.)

For gameplay, it's just nice to have options to more than four characters (even though I always have Ange and Kalinka in my party lol). Grinding isn't the worst in either games (both suffer from RPG Maker though). But in OMORI the gameplay dissonance is really more pronounced. You don't really have a goal to become stronger in OMORI. And I would argue that making the gameplay less tedious in OMORI would be better for the overall pacing of the game. But in Demons Roots, you must get stronger. Because you are fighting against the system. You are trying to establish your worth in the world of despair. You want to achieve the best ending for Demonkind.

Akai Mato really served a delicious meal with this game. In Bahasa Indonesia, I would review this game with the meme "Bilangin sama Akai Mato, makasih udah buat game sebagus kamu"

Rant end. Both are good games though. If you prefer complex psychological exploration of the human mind play OMORI. If you prefer the traditional JRPG of getting stronger and fighting evil play this. I'm not lying when I say this has one of the best world building and story telling in RPG Maker. 9.3/10

the actual story of this game is relatively generic, nothing too special. same with the gameplay, as most of it felt like a chore (especially with how easy it was).
but the characters, polca and lily especially, are so amazing i couldn't give this game anything but 5 stars. this is the only game to make me cry for multiple hours at once, and you can tell how much passion was put into it.
also shade's osts are so so good omg