Reviews from

in the past

Rise of the Tomb Raider is a game I feel pretty much the same about as its predecessor. Its a fun action-adventure, stealth hybrid game with solid level design, decent story, and great cinematic presentation. Certainly a good time, but nothing that reaches incredible heights.

É melhor que o anterior.

A gameplay consegue mais personalidade e a história entrega individualidade para os personagens, em especial para a protagonista.

Sofri com alguns bugs e acho que certas mecânicas foram colocadas mais para dar volume do que para melhorar o jogo.

Despite the hate on reboot Lara, i personally found her likeable with her flaws ( i do like both reboot lara and original.) , rottr has a stable fast paced gameplay with combat feeling smooth which played out nicely throughout the game.

Didn’t like how parkour gets repetitive with the qte’s, and i feel like reboot lara’s story is repetitive it always ends up the same way (having not finished shadows). villains were alright they were good but not interesting enoughs. I found them forgettable really just as the story.

Overall i have mixed feelings about the game, the combat and lara’s characterisation stood out to me. I did prefer the prequel..

Felt lacking in innovation, played almost the same as the 2013 one but with different settings. Cant say I didnt enjoy playing it though.

So much more better than than its prequel.

i didn't like this game as much as i liked tomb raider but i still enjoyed it. the story was amazing and the plot twist was rlly good. i wish jonah was in this game more but i liked jacob (also why does jonah look black in this game isnt he supposed to be Polynesian or something like that?) this is also one of the very few games i beat on normal.

It might not look like it, but Rise of the Tomb Raider is actually an Ocarina of Time-lite, even moreso than the first Reboot Raider game. You traverse different dungeons on the outskirts of a central soviet scrapyard that serves as the game's Hyrule Field, from whence you venture down into the abandoned waterlogged uranium mine and solve puzzles to unlock new gear as the story progresses.

Narratively, Rise pinpoints the exact moment in time where the titular protagonist finally snaps, and switches from the archeologist who is in over her head to an action hero that could only be described as an unhinged serial killer in real life, an idea that is explored more in the third game that follows.

I'm disappointed. I'll break this review down into pros and cons.

Pros: This game has the best Lara design. A sprint button has finally been added. Specific weapon-focused executions are a thing and they are AWESOME. Side missions are a cool inclusion and help flesh out the map more. The map is also great and the environments make it my favorite one in the trilogy. And that's saying a lot, as I absolutely LOVED the setting of TR2013. There is overall just so much more to do besides the story, tombs, and side objectives. The graphics are incredible. This is the best looking Tomb Raider game in the trilogy. Mostly everything from the gameplay side of things from TR2013 are great here (except the combat). The cosmetics are great. They basically expanded the traversal from TR2013 and it's awesome. Lara's arc in this game (and the next) is great too, despite the narrative not being great.

Cons: The combat. It's WAY TOO EASY, even after turning up the difficulty and only challenging in a couple firefights here and there. The supernatural enemies were also fun to fight this time around but they're barely in the game. I think the issue is that the AI is just not very good in this game. I don't know if this is fixed in the Survivor difficulty but I was really not enjoying the combat, and this game has A LOT of combat. Maybe it's because they added both manual healing AND regenerative health in this game? Like it literally feels like it's impossible to die and the enemies only ever pose a threat in firefights where they are in high numbers, which is only like 15% of the time. I enjoyed the firefights much more towards the end for that reason, but by the time the combat got good, the game was almost over. It was a super frustrating experience. I went back to TR2013 to see if I was right and yeah, the combat in that game feels much more challenging and fun because you only have regenerative health, better enemy placement, and the fact that you actually have to move around for some of these firefights. IN THIS GAME, I BARELY HAD TO MOVE FOR LIKE 85% OF THE FIREFIGHTS. I don't know if it's the AI, Lara being way more overpowered, or the arenas not being well designed most of the time, but the game barely had any combat sections with weight to it. Plus why in the world does Lara need THIS MANY SKILLS? She's already OP enough as it is, I only need like 10 of these. This is the only game I've ever played where the better you make your character, the worse the game gets. My other gripe is the narrative. It starts out really strong but the game never made me care about anything? They make Lara go after an artifact that her dad was after before he killed himself because in his pursuit for it, everyone called him crazy and ruined his reputation. However, this never really sat right with me because they never actually give an explanation for why he was so obsessed with it in the first place. If anything, it made him look like the bad guy, and although that is the route the next game kinda takes, it's never even implied that he was in the wrong. Trinity's motivations for why they want the artifact is also never explained. They kinda just want it? I know there was the whole subplot with Ana and Konstantin but even that is never explained? Like yeah, Ana needs the Divine Source to cure her sickness, but that's an excuse to join a cultist terrorist organization/pillage an entire village? Either there's a lot of context missing here or this story was made by an 8-year-old. A lot of these ideas are good on paper but it just kinda stays that way because for some reason this game doesn't want to explain the story to you? Like at all? So it just makes the whole adventure feel hollow. And despite there being some good scenes and moments, not enough really goes on in order to make this story worthwhile. It's written poorly, it's structured badly, and the story just kinda gets as lost as Lara does. The supernatural enemies, as I mentioned before, are just shoehorned in. The only other character here worth a damn is Jonah, and he's given absolutely nothing to do. Seriously, he does nothing in this game, he's just kinda there. Lara's arc, as I mentioned, is only good because if you see things in her perspective, it makes sense why she'd go to the lengths she'd go to find the Divine Source. However, it's still pretty rushed initially and most of the context of how she ended up in the spot we see her in when the game starts IS EXPLAINED IN SEPARATE YOUTUBE VIDEOS. STUFF ABOUT SAM AND THE OTHERS, HER TRAUMA FROM THE EVENTS OF THE FIRST GAME? YOU KNOW, THE SHIT THAT MAKES SOME OF THIS STUFF MORE FLESHED OUT? YEAH, THEY'RE NOT IN THE FUCKING GAME, THEY'RE EXPLAINED IN OUTSIDE MATERIAL. WHAT THE FUCK CRYSTAL DYNAMICS??? Oh, and don't get me started about the ending. It's awful. Sure, I think explaining what really happened to her dad at the very end helps recontextualize a bit about the backstory, but it still doesn't answer why he was after the Divine Source in the first place. THE FINAL MINUTES OF THIS GAME IS SO UNBELIEVABLY RUSHED I GENUINELY HAD A VICSERAL REACTION TO IT. THIS WAS SOME FARCRY 4 WRITING HOLY FUCK. Only other compliment I'll give the story was that Jacob was a cool character. I thought he was the only good part after a certain point. All in all, I was not happy when the credits rolled. Fuck this story.

Again, I feel like despite not being perfect, TR2013 was a much better game overall. This game has enough strengths to be 3 1/2 stars like its predecessor, but there is just too much wrong here, and it's a damn shame. I actually enjoyed the side content and improvements here much more than the first. But the overall combat and story ruined it for me.

This was a lot more fun than I remembered. I’m glad I gave it a replay. I don’t think I could muster a single bit of interest for the story. But the RPG upgrades are a lot of fun.

A truly phenomenal follow up to one of my favourite games. It takes what made the first game great and implements better visuals, smoother gameplay and explores more of Lara's backstory. Which I love. I still ever so slightly prefer the story of the first one (escaping the cursed island etc) but there's no doubt that this is the better Tomb Raider experience.

Something about the movement or combat wasn't engaging for me, ended up feeling like I was going through tedious puzzles slower than I wanted because of how far apart things were pretty often.

No geral, gostei do jogo.
Ele é bem legal e divertido, assim como o Tomb Raider de 2013, que eu joguei tanto no PS3 quanto no PS4.
Mas, algumas coisas me deixaram um pouco méh.

Primeiro, a ambientação na neve não me agradou muito. Isso é mais uma questão de gosto pessoal, mas achei a temática meio sem graça.
Além disso, a campanha do jogo também deixou a desejar em alguns momentos.
Sabe quando você sente que falta um tempero especial? Pois é, chegou uma hora na campanha que fiquei meio desmotivado, parecia que faltava algo para me prender realmente.

Comparado ao primeiro jogo, ainda acho que o de 2013 se destaca mais.
A história do primeiro já não era lá grandes coisas, mas a desse aqui também não me empolgou muito.
Para um jogo que foca bastante na narrativa, senti que faltou um desenvolvimento melhor na campanha.
Poderiam ter incluído missões mais interessantes e um enredo mais cativante.

Outra coisa que me incomodou foi a falta de conexão com os outros personagens.
Tirando a Lara Croft, não consegui sentir afinidade com nenhum outro personagem.
Gosto muito da Lara, da sua caracterização e do que ela representa pra mim, mas o resto dos personagens deixou a desejar.

Em resumo, Rise of the Tomb Raider é um jogo ok.
Ele não é uma perda de tempo e tem seus momentos divertidos, mas se a narrativa fosse melhor trabalhada, poderia ter sido um jogo muito superior, talvez até melhor que o primeiro.
Ainda não joguei Shadow of the Tomb Raider, mas vou dar uma chance em breve para ver como ele se sai.

Então, é isso. Rise of the Tomb Raider é legal, mas falta aquele algo a mais para ser incrível.
muitos algos a mais

Amazing, I don't have words to say how incredible this game is, LITERALLY. I love the credit scene. I love every part of this game. Thanks for every artist, designer, writer, programmer... Your work is a masterpiece.

Did make it like 6 hours in but I needed space for a fortnite update so like obviously I had to delete this game but will retry one day just not anytime soon

Esse jogo faz me lembrar de como é bom jogar video games, é um daqueles especiais na prateleira, a ambientação desse jogo é muito foda, o contraste do começo de jogo com a neve e o calor, é incrível, mas enfim na minha opinião, o melhor jogo com essa temática de exploração, até o momento.

theres so much unnecessary bs in this game, they should've taken all that out and replaced the AI written storyline with something with heart...

it looks good tho

Easily the best-looking game of the new trilogy. Love that they added a challenge mode

El mejor de los 3 y ni siquiera es un buen juego imaginate

not as good as the first game

achei que não podia melhorar o que o primeiro jogo fez, mas ele melhorou e muito! pensa num jogo legal de jogar e é muito divertido, ainda bem balanceado entre os puzzles e combates que deixam tudo muito satisfatório.

a história é bem legal, por mais que pareça muito com a do primeiro, mas ainda assim a história é boa e a aventura dá realmente uma grande adrenalina e empolgação, acho que realmente não tinha como dar errado vindo de uma empresa tão boa e de um primeiro jogo muito bem feito e aclamado.

they got rid of the overly violent deaths. smh the woke propaganda strikes again. NOTE THIS IS SATIRE I AM NOT SLANDERING THE GREAT WOKE CORPORTATION AS I TOO AM AN EMPLOYEE OF THE WOKE CORPORATION

É meio irônico ver como os Tomb Raiders mais recentes se assemelham a Uncharted.

Tomb Raider 2013 but worsened version

Jogo bonito muito bao bao bao bao gosto mutcho

Rise of the Tomb Raider is the game I thought the last game would be mechanically: a survival lite experience with tight as hell platforming and merciless combat. I loved every moment I was climbing, exploring caves, raiding tombs, and popping heads... but any moment anyone opened their mouth I became so sad.

I feel like if you are going to make a narrative driven game, it is probably best you make the narrative good. Already off the rip, rich white lady saving a native tribe in Siberia already does not sound compelling, but consider how much blood she sheds to get there and how many bodies she steps over, this Lara Croft should not be giving any speeches about the value of human life whatsoever. The writing in this game is genuinely appalling and I'm wondering how any of it got past the editorial room.

That aside, most of the game isn't narrative driven. It is gameplay first this time around, and I can't say that I don't love it. It's probably the best Uncharted-like I've played in this regard. You need to gather resources to be able to craft on the fly equipment like arrows, traps, and heals. Not only that but this craftiness extends to the combat and puzzles, where you really have to think fast in order to ace an encounter. I had my fill of the exploration after I beat the game, it's extremely satisfying.

If you skip the cutscenes, you probably could make the case that Rise is amazing, but it only reaches slightly better than good for me.

First tomb raider game I played