Reviews from

in the past

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For what it is it's actually pretty fun. Takes place in AR where a rocket lands in your room and little cute fluffy aliens whom apparently deserve a swift and bloody death begin to bust down your walls. You shoot em and capture as many as you can. By the time your done most of the walls and ceiling of your room have fallen down. It was the first thing I played with the Quest and I think it makes a great first impression.

I brought out this game to my girlfriends parents house in order to show the capabilities of VR and they were both blown away. The walls fell away and they could see the fluffy puffins jumping on the rocks in the distance which really impressed. You don't even need to explain the controls with this kind of game, it's all intuitive and the "accuracy" of the Quest is honestly really good. Menu navigation and aiming with a gun never feels off, lending to the quality of the tracking tech.