Reviews from

in the past

v fun game, can be a little janky sometimes in comparison to newer games I'm used to playing but for the time v good i think

I played Arkham City a long time ago back when the Xbox360 was still a thing. At the time I did not pick up Arkham Asylum because I thought that it could not possibly be better than the absolute juggernaut that City was at the time (and still is). However, recently I bought the Arkham pack on steam to relive some of those old memories. After I finished Arkham City I thought "whata heck, I gonna play this shit since I already have it". My suspicions were right, it is NOT as good as City.
However it is a good game nonetheless.

The combat is not as fluid as City and during gameplay it was clear that the developers still had some work to do about how to make everything more pleasant and dynamic. The atmosphere is something that I would consider a plus compared to City. The asylum gives a good creepy sensation and the soundtrack reminds me of the old Burton movies. Navigating the world is way clunkier because detective mode is not as fleshed out as it would be in later iterations of the franchise and going back and forth around the asylum does get repetitive while wastes a lot of time on useless boring stuff (which having a bigger world would make this less of a problem). The bosses are very uninspired but do not overstay their welcome enough to become irritating. The voice acting of Hamill and Conroy are as good as you expect, but I think that Batman sounds a little bit weak sometimes with all his moaning and grunting (in city batman was way more quiet and that makes him seem more stoic which is a good fit for the character).
Overall a good experience worth checking out.

+ Excellent "stealthy glider" gameplay
+ Entertaining characters and dialogue
+ The optional/hidden collectibles are a fun diversion

± Cutscene heavy, especially at the start
± Combat targeting/timing takes some time to get used to, but can be fun once you master it
± I'm usually not into Batman/superhero games and nearly dropped it 1-2 hours in, but I'm glad I stuck with it

- Late game is lacking in challenge (at least on Normal diff)