Reviews from

in the past

This game has a fairly distinctive style, emphasizing dashing and locking onto targets with specific weapons. All of your weapons and dashing cost energy to use, going into Burst mode gives you afterimages and rapidly increases energy restore. With the weapon variety, this is pretty fun when you're able to really unleash all of your abilities on enemies, risking yourself for super damage. This game has ranks too, each rank is independent so you don't need to get them all at once, and they unlock new weapons and abilities.
Most of the game is stage based, but to get the true ending you need to clear 9 stages in a row without dying, saving or exiting. After a couple hours of attempting this I can get to the 7th stage of this and fail consistently, though 2 of the other stages have annoying instant death hazards that I'll sometimes fall into. Aside from this, having to deal with the threat of having to start all over again reduces the ability to go all out with bursts and forces me into a really safe play style that's much less fun. At least I got one of the endings though