Reviews from

in the past

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Felt like doing a replay where I romanced Ryan, since I chose Steph on my first playthrough, and he is SUCH a himbo, I love him. One gripe I have though- I chose the stay in Haven ending, and I'm more than a little disappointed that it's literally exactly the same whether you choose to romance Steph, Ryan, or no one at all. It's like the company was rushing the devs and they just thought "fuck it, no one's gonna wanna stay in this cute town we spent the whole game building, let's not even bother with it." But whatever, the montage where Gabe talks about what it could be like if you stay is nice. I STILL think the big reveal about Typhon is massively disappointing too.

What the fuck. How do you fumble a life is strange game so badly. So much to unpack here, but following Life is Strange 2 with THIS game, is crazy.

The main story of True Colours is so thin, that it could have been told under an hour, once you strip it away from meaningless character drama, that leads to nothing and serves nothing to the ending and main plot line.

Our main character Alex got the worst powers possible for a video game, she is an empath! Crazy I know. What crazy game mechanics deck nine invented for this? Well, nothing. Most of the game you will right-click on someone to hear their thoughts, but not always, only when the games need you to be able to do it. This only makes the ending twist in episode 4 so much worse, it breaks the game logic.

And on that episode 4 twist. A good twist is always measured by how you can look back at the story told and see the clues for yourself, but here, you can't! There is no build up, or subtext clues or anything, it comes out of nowhere and feels so cheap.

Remember life is strange 2 and how every episode had its own set of characters, locations, conflict and so on? Forget that! Welcome to haven springs! Meet 8 total characters throughout the whole game, and 5-6 locations and oh yeah, every episode you explore the same old house you live in, same bar, same everything. it feels like a sitcom set that run out of money.

The best thing throughout the game is the romance subplot, but it moves so slow, and gets so little time to shine, and it's clear the folks at deck nine didn't have enough time to expand on two whole romance options, despite it being clear that one (Steph) is far superior but i guess they had to have an option for the straight boring gamers.

So many characters that you make choices around are a no show around the end - Mac? Nowhere to be seen, his arc legit is concluded with a text message. Riley? oh, you didn't go to the bus station in episode 5? (60% of players didn't because it's not in the normal pathing of the game), too bad she is gone! Diane? A voice recording on a laptop. Its embarrassing.

You also have the ability to help people throughout town during the game, with little side missions. it's cute, but again, it never, ever comes up in the game, despite being marked as a choice. Most of it is as simple as hearing their thoughts and talking to them, revolutionary i know.

Deck nine, being the devs behind this and before the storm, the two worst LiS games in the series, makes me so worried about the upcoming double exposure. But I guess time will tell.

amor eterno por vcs irmãos chen!

Peak bedwetter melodrama got me feeling.