Reviews from

in the past

Wow...This was disappointing coming back to...

I first played this game when I was first getting into Resi back in 2016 and I remember it fondly, mainly for it's very bizarre and creepy setting. A prison camp/military base/luxury mansion/gothic mansion?? There's good reason why fans want this game remade, there's a lot of craziness that would be great to revisit...And to also revisit a version of this game that's enjoyable.

This game can be annoying. Super annoying. Certain sections of the game are a downright ballache to complete, like the Tyran boss battle on the plane. But it's worst offender, and the one that ultimately made me gave up on the game completely, was the Steve boss fight. It's not only frustrating to have an enemy that can down you in two hits and forces you to run away from it despite the clunky controls but it gets even worse when the game forces you to redo a whole other sequence of gaining the card, unlocking the extra ammo, etc. Call it a skill issue or whatever, and I also like a challenge too as well, but it was a level of repetitiveness that felt draining and believe me, I don't like to give up on games this easily.

Unfortunately, aside from a really strong atmosphere and unique story, the gameplay of this game truly let's it down. There's so many tiny issues with this game, from a game design perspective and even graphical (the game is so dark I kept missing herbs and ammo). I want to enjoy this game but it just felt like a really tiring downgrade to the OG Trilogy.

Эм да. Я восхвалял трилогию. А тут вроде тож самое, а у меня отвращение какое-то. За исключением катсцен. Они прям нереально скакнули в плане графона. Оч приятно
Думаю общая причина в отсутствии изменений в геймплее и очень редких схронов (даже по сравнению с оригинальными играми)

6 слотов под инвентарь из 10

Hello, I just watched the ending for this game cuz of how unplayable it is.

My first little playthrough I got stuck on a part with no good ammo and on red health no heals...had to restart the game.

My 2nd run I put the fire extinguisher in a random area cuz I didn't think I needed it...I did...I restarted the game.

My final playthrough I got even further but now I have no ammo and I would have my grenade launcher but I don't cuz the way they have their inventory sharing/swapping is ridiculous and now I couldn't beat the final boss cuz of that.

This game is very ridiculous towards its inventory, I don't think I have anything else to say honestly.

The voice acting, puzzles, map design, all very good but again the inventory, all items another character has should automatically be put in the chest personally.

Also the ammo/heals are just idk not right, on my final playthrough I had like over 6 blue herbs and they proved no use after a certain point, health was no problem on the third playthrough, I mostly needed ammo.

I hope they make this game way better in the remake, and I understand that some people will see this as a masterpiece but my experience was just not so good I guess.

Now, should you buy and play this game? Up to you.

That's it, that's all. 6/10