Reviews from

in the past

javi é um personagem incrivel; legal, carismatico, bonito.... a familia dele é chata pra caralho e a kate é uma piranha !

a trama começa boa mas depois se torna cansativa.... 5 episodios girando em torno da mesma coisa.... a clementine como personagem secundário é algo ruim mas entre as coisas ruins, ainda consegue ser a menos ruim.... o fato dos personagens principais serem latinos tb eh algo bem legal.... nao chega a ser um jogo ruim mas foge um pouco do padrão de qualidade the walking dead 1 & 2.... outro fato ruim é >quase nada< dos outros jogos impactar nesse terceiro jogo.... uma pena teltalle games decair tanto assim

i didnt like playing as javi. sue me.

So I'm a say I didn't hate or still don't completely hate Diego or Miguel (or whatever fuckass Mexican name he has) or his family and i like how he calls the zombies "muerto's" that shit was dope AF but like it should just been clementine fr like it's not like they lost they sauce fr every scene with her is amazing except the shitty ending write off like kennys death is retarded i hope they retconned it same as janes but everything else is good but yeah she deserved this game but whatever this game when its not revovled around clementine is just whatever like i dint remember anything except that lil girl getting fucking popped on sum fortnite shit like they had some balls for showing that for and i remember that one scene where you pick one person to get executed but she actually kills the other person like that dope wish the story was good enough to handle that concept but yeah whatever gane 6/10

5/10, obrzydliwy down fall, totalnie nieprzemyślane decyzje z chuja, meh.