Reviews from

in the past

this is a 4 star on a normal console but i was relegated to playing this on the Wii

Objectively the best COD of all time. Yep.

Amazing campaign, incredible zombie maps, multiplayer was ok too. The numbers Mason.

close enough welcome back isaac clarke

Das beste Call of Duty überhaupt. Es sieht auch heute noch toll aus, spielt sich super, hat einen sehr schönen, bunten Grafikstil, nicht dieses gelb-braun-blaue von den anderen PS3 / Xbox 360 CoDs. Black Ops hat einen sehr schönen Stil, einen ordentlichen Umfang, den bis heute besten Multiplayer und einen sehr guten Zombie Modus.

o jogo é bem legal, mas a primeira fase no Vietnam e as duas ultímas fases da campanha são bem ruins.

replayed cuz why the fuck not still goated. wish the multiplayer was still active even though i know this shit came out 14 fucking years ago, tried zombies i dont remember sucking this much ass in it but kino is always goated

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this is my favorite call of duty. no other cod campaign can ever get this cinematic and shit. the sequence where you break out of your chair is my favorite in a video game. this game aesthetically and story wise is fucking perfect and insanely underrated

the zombies is a great step forward from world at war but nowhere near as rich as the later black ops games

Didn't like the story, but really like zombies and multiplayer

Fun campaign and zombies mode is a good time with friends

best campaign in the black ops saga. multiplayer was fine and zombies was so damn iconic.


The way the plot is told is pretty good, however aside that, it's just the regular CoD with more explicit propaganda.

The multiplayer wasn't my favorite, but the campaign and zombies carry it

muy buen juego, divertido y top para lo que es call of duty

I'm getting full Kino der Toten lobbies on ps3 in less than 5 minutes. Summer 2024 rules.

Black ops já começou bom demais slk.

Say what you will but Numbers and Nova Project are like top 5 COD levels of all time. Also the cover and soundtrack go soooo hard. Also that ending lmao