Reviews from

in the past

Eufórikus élmény volt elmerülni Lana bolygóján. Audiovizuálisan, zeneileg csúcs, háttérelemekkel, rajzokkal, érzelmekkel, alkalmasint trükkös fejtörőkkel teszi sokszínűvé, kifejezővé világát. A kreatúrákról, gépszörnyekről nem is beszélve mennyire megvettek kilóra. Párszor talán ismétli önmagát és van, hogy helyenként az interakciók nem mindig pontosak, de az időnkénti QTE részek és a Somerville-lel ellentétben a kizoomoló kameranézetek például nem tudtak kizökkenteni. Gyönyörű, fantasztikus 5 órás sci-fi kaland. Le a kalappal a Wishfully alkotói előtt, több ilyen indie ékkövet!

This review contains spoilers

Very beautiful and scenic game. Also with puzzles and chase sequences. Honestly the visuals and music alone could sell me on this experience. Though i will say the gameplay is not horrible just pretty basic.

Reminds me a lot of Inside, it's basically the same gameplay in a more hopeful and pretty setting.

Spoiler for the story:
Honestly was not a fan of how they didn't spend more time getting us familiar with people in the actual village besides Elo, so at the end when we run through thousands of people being captured and Lana doesn't even glance at them and just screams for Elo, it kinda makes me dislike Lana as a protagonist that clearly doesn't give a ♥♥♥♥ about anyone except Mui and Elo. Also the tease of Mui dying at the end to save everyone but just getting revived anyway, was kinda lame as well. I felt like it would have been a lot better if Mui actually died, but that's just me