Reviews from

in the past

[Reviewing the version from the Fairune collection]

Can't believe they made Hydlide good.

Fairune is an extremely short RPG that plays like Hydlide or the original Legend of Zelda on the NES, the game is really straightforward as there's barely any input required, the enemies are automatically defeated and automatically drain one or two HP for you and fill your XP bar which when leveled up you get to kill new enemies and get more HP. The only actions you can do in this game are to walk and use an item you found via the inventory and that's all, you don't need much for a basic puzzle-action game, some may find this a bit too basic but I really enjoyed figuring out the puzzles and not having to worry much about the combat is somewhat nice, though after a while you'll have to grind a specific type of enemy to unlock another so you can advance onward and it can be a bit annoying if they didn't wanted us to combat why force grinding then?

Other than the unnecessary grinding this game is well made and it's hard to fuck up a 2-hour long game. I do recommend this game for anyone who likes old-school RPG or something more modern like 3D Dot Game Heroes.

I only played like because i scrolled down a list of vita game blindfolding and this is what i landed on. I had no clue wtf this game was. That being said, this game isnt very good. Its short, theres like 2 buttons, gameplay is nothing. Its plays like a shitty zelda game where you dont even swing the sword. you have to grind. i could go on but this game did not make me care enough to say more.

when i was a kid, i hated this game more than i have ever hated a game in my life. and i’m not sure why. it’s purposely emulating VERY old rpgs, no combat just walk into enemies and take damage, and it makes the game feel like it’s going through the motions but the puzzles can be headscratchers and the game is quite pretty

i realized while playing that this game has Atari 2600 controls. I'm not sure how that affected the experience.

A simple little game that, although it can suffer from its small scale, still manages to satisfy as a bite sized experience.

Shows that the core concepts of 80s RPGs like Hydlide and Xanadu still have some life left in them as long as you make them just a bit less abrasive to play.

i used to speedrun this game years ago and felt like revisiting it. super charming, especially because i love retro zelda games. figuring everything out was a bit challenging, but i still never felt the need to look anything up. i'll definitely buy and play the full collection soon.

Juego de chocarse por la acera.