Reviews from

in the past

Hobo Samurai Cowboy Bebop Breaking Bad Mad Max simulator with a smidge of giant man eating giraffes and a chance of heat rays from orbital stations that will burn your skin off, r̶o̶b̶o̶t̶s̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶ w̶i̶l̶l̶ p̶e̶e̶l̶ y̶o̶u̶r̶ s̶k̶i̶n̶ a̶n̶d̶ w̶e̶a̶r̶ i̶t̶ friendly humans who have no ill intent towards you whatsoever :)

All in all a very satisfying and entertaining game which makes you choose your own path and the way you play this game. The only problem is that you have to have a very good computer otherwise you can't run this game, you will barely be able to run it even with the lowest settings without your computer being set on fire.

A little hint toward new players: after you spawn go directly to the Fog Islands safest place with the best loot in the game.

If someone ever manages to fuse this with breath of the wild (which I deem impossible), they would colapse the videogame industry instantly.

Its like berserk in a different period of time and you can suffer more.

The game of EVERYTHING. This game includes City Cuilding, RPG, Idle, Farming, Management and many more. It tells a story deeper than most games without a single script.
- Pathfinding is messed up very frustratingly.
+ Mods
- Mods (mod editor is horrible, most stuff is hardcoded.)

Almost perfection, one of the most complete and unique rpgs

A """sandbox""" where nothing ever happens. The world feels barren and dead. There's virtually no loot to speak of. Exploration feels pointless, because all cities and ruins are identical to each other.

Honestly absolutely awful, overrated and overhyped.

What a weird and wonderful game! Seriously, there's nothing quite like it out there. I put more than 22 hours into it past the last week and I will definitely come back and put some more into it. Since we are talking about Kenshi, a game that is impossibly expansive and the narrative is unique to each player (since you create the story via gameplay) and 22 hours are rookie numbers when it comes to this game I looked at some other reviews on Steam and Backloggd and compared notes to write this one.

===The Start===
First things first: SsethTzeentach convinced me to buy this game with his amazing review, from a distance it looked impossible to get into. Bad graphics, the seemingly incredible depth, the controls, the memes surrounding this game, it was all enough to put me off at first. I just assumed it would be complicated enough not to be fun (like that one time I tried Space Station 13).

This is completely unfounded, and if you are anything like me please give this game a shot, it goes for so incredibly cheap and it's NOT all of those things. You pick a starting scenario, which honestly only affects how much time you have to invest into getting on your own two feet. I started with the wanderer, the recommended basic scenario, but would recommend the trader or any of the "easy" ones, not because they make the entire game easier but because they really speed up the early game stage once you get your bearings. Despite their names, there is no true difficulty select, the scenario affects your starting gear, spawn point, and condition of your character, the world of Kenshi will always run on the same rules no matter which one you pick.

After this the game starts feeding you pop-ups explaining basic mechanics, despite knowing nothing about how you actually play Kenshi these were enough to explain next to everything I needed to play and "progress", everything else you just pick up organically or if you really stuck, just google! Shockingly enough I only had to resort to this sporadically. I literally had to whip out Google more often for games like Elden Ring for example.

===The Gameplay===
This game is basically Runescape, or Skyrim if you don't know how Runescape plays. When you do something, you gain exp and eventually a level for that thing, stealing, sneaking, attacking (bundled with mastery of different weapon types), doing labor, crafting armor, farming, etc.

This is the interesting part. I don't know how the start of your gameplay will look! I started immediately gathering copper ore to sell as it earned me food and some labor exp for example. A pretty common thing to do as a new player from the reviews I have seen. After not even an hour in I saw a dude running across the dunes, I approached him to find out he was an escaped slave, and he decided to team up with me. We literally became blood brothers by the end of my playthrough, the dude was my right-hand man for the job, any job!

Shortly after I tried to settle down with my copper mining money and start my own lil settlement. This is where that lack of difficulty setting came back to worsen my time with Kenshi for the first (and probably only time). You see, as soon as you put down a building you start an outpost, and the game will start generating random events for that outpost, and the ONLY thing that influences those events is the place where you settled. This means that no matter if you have a single building or already set up fort knox, the same things will happen to it, which I find extremely fucking stupid. Anyways, this caused my base to get raided within 5 minutes of it being built by Black Dragon Ninjas that wiped my guys in seconds. I reloaded a save and decided to hand over my single building to them, which they took over and left around 10 minutes later. I did not expect to get raided so quickly, otherwise, I would waited to set up my base, and I did not know most raids essentially do not do anything (they don't break buildings unless something is locked behind a door or a gate, they don't touch crops, valuables, weapons, no raid in the starting area ever tried to take my guys as slaves). I wish the game actually told me some of that via those pop-up tutorials tbh. Once you have your base for some time you will realize how extremely fucking annoying raids are for a new player, I spent 90% of my time building in Kenshi simply fighting off another wave of raiders which got real old real fast. A couple of hours in I dialed raids down to their minimum frequency in the game options despite being able to deal with them because of this, and it's weird that it isn't the default and then scales up with how old your base is? As in the longer you have it the harder the raids become.

After some farming, building, and character development (healing and fighting the bandits that attacked me over and over to raise skills) I got a little bored and set out to explore, I bought the service of some bodyguards and we went to the swamp, deleting bandit camps along the way which quickly lined my pockets with money. Any money I earned felt a little worthless since my character was an excellent thief by that point and I could have anything the shop had for free. Then I bought some animals and realized just how useless they are, goats and bonedogs, in particular, have no gameplay mechanics you can interact with other than skinning them and telling them to fight, they get folded in any significant fight, and... why would I buy an animal to immediately skin it for less money? And I think that's kinda how every aspect of Kenshi breaks down at the end. Someone described this game "as wide as an ocean and as deep as a puddle" which is apt. There is always less to a mechanic than you imagine, there's probably way less variety in the things there tan you imagine, but there's still A TON of stuff to see and do in the game.

Man, I didn't even say anything about the combat and that could fill out another 1000 words easily, so I won't do all that. Just know that like the rest of the game it is unique, despite controlling like a real-time strategy where your units will simply attack units you click on, there are in-depth animations for each weapon type and every attack has to physically connect with your character, that's fucking nuts for this combat type and it allows you to mico-manage each fight to weave between attacks and attack from places your enemy is less likely to defend themselves from.

Kenshi's great! For the price it often drops to on sales, it's absolutely worth your money, a passion project of a single man that will be developed and iterated on for years to come. It's got some bugs and you will kinda wish there was more to it but you will never regret spending your money on it. And the modding community goes absolutely crazy so a lot of things can be adjusted with mods.

Öğrenmesi zor ama sarıyor.

I was gifted this game. Going in I knew I wouldn't like it. It's just not my kind of thing. And yep, it wasn't. What's the point of playing something this slow when games like Red Dead or Uncharted exist? Just doesn't click for me. Maybe I don't have the attention span.

You can play this game in so many different ways and the world building is really something, I feel like I’m constantly discovering something new about it

Todavía no he jugado muchas horas al juego, pero me encanta todo el conjunto. Un rts en un mundo distópico con razas alienígenas y maquinaria futurista, pero todo escasea, todo esta medio estropeado y todo es injusto, y tu eres la ultima mierda que importa. Pero el juego permite que hagas tu propia historia y tiene mil opciones para que avances. Aunque el juego en sí se ve feo, es el estilo visual mas acertado para el mundo de kenshi. Recomiendo probarlo al menos una vez

I have no idea how Kenshi came to be. I look at the lore and characters and gameplay and I'm like "which twisted fucks are responsible for this" and then I realize how everything in the game, as brutal as it is, is super seamless. It takes a while to learn how to do stuff, but once you get your squad and base up and running the game starts ramping up quick. This game is definitely not made for everyone but for some reason it scratches an itch like no other game can.

200 hours and 20+ squad members and if i enter the wrong town its still over for me

Only have like 3 hours in it but I love the concept and I love how it's open ended sick game

I stripped an elderly man naked in his sleep and got absolutely molested by his guards seconds later.

This game is a mess. It doesn't always work. And I love that for it.

Over and over and over again I find myself drawn back to the desert. There's something special about this game, and the fact that it was mostly developed by one person has something to do with that.
Do not expect a straightforward story. This is a cough sandbox.

Just one of those games I'll never fully understand but it absolutely brings me joy every session I play. A true RPG sandbox.

Whats not to love about this game.

Dayı sıçtığım boktan daha değersiz bir yarrak olarak başlayıp, ne istersen olabildiğin bir dünya düşün. Başta çok kafa sikiyor ve kontrollerine alışmak zaman alabiliyor, ama alışınca inanılmaz keyif alıyorsun. Mod desteği olması baya iyi olmuş çünkü modsuz harbi çileye dönüşüyo. Onun dışında pathfinding bir tık bozuk ama modlarla yine az da olsa fixleyebiliyorsun.

Obra de Arte, um Rimworld 3D melhorado

5 minutes in and I'm already a slave, 10/10

Nothing else like this. A simulation and role-playing game at the same time. That's pretty cool.

In the first 20 minutes of playing this game, I tried making my character (Plank, my beloved) mining some rock for resources only to immediately get killed by bonedogs with no chance of fighting back.

After restarting and playing for another half hour, I saw some bandits get wacked and enslaved by the Holy Nation and figured if I could free one while they didn't see I could get a new team member. That didn't happen and Plank was immediately crippled and enslaved too.

I then spent actual hours in the Holy Nation prison Rebirth training up Plank's lockpick, sneak and assassin skills by freeing and knocking out defenseless fellow slaves. Two slaves tried to escape, only to get caught and get the shit kicked out of them, eventually after enough times getting their legs sliced off. I created an escape plan myself by knocking out the guards at one of the entrances and putting them in slave cages which shouldn't have worked but it hilariously did because Kenshi is janky as fuck. I had a team of 3 at this point, and carried out those two legless slaves who refused to join me and just crawled back in the dust to Rebirth.

I then spent actual hours just trying to have my guys survive, trying to find items I could sell just so they didn't starve. The default hunger speed is crazy so I lowered that I won't lie, and I found a nearby town to live in and buy a shitty little hut in. Eventually after scrounging up enough I got a bigger house for all of my guys, and got some mods so I could do some farming inside the town to create hemp, so I could make fabric, so I could make bandanas, so I could then eventually level up one of my guy's clothing skill to make enough high quality bandanas so I could sell them and become crazy rich.

I then spent actual hours just levelling up combat skills and recruiting new people. I got a mod that increased skill level up speed because the default is agonising I won't lie. To train combat skills your best bet is just to throw your guys at bandit groups and get the shit kicked out of you, and do it over and over until you need someone stronger. When training my group against some aggresive escaped slaves, one of my characters - called Plop - severed an arm off a slave, and then brutally chased her down as she fleed to cut off the other arm just for fun or something. I felt so bad man, I patched her up and let her heal back up in my base. When she was healed she speedily ran the fuck out for obvious reasons, only to run into another one of my team outside the town who I had returning and then basically recruited herself onto my team upon seeing him. I think events like this happen with injured NPCs, but it probably isn't intended for contexts like this lmao.

I think you get the point. Kenshi can be jank, grindy, tedious, and hard to even approach, but its an incredible RPG sandbox that can give you insane and unique tales with all the freedom it has. Its really satisfying struggling so hard at the beginning, taking forever to do anything, only to finally be able to fight back in the cruel world of Kenshi. My boy Plank ended up toppling the Holy Nation that once enslaved him, with a lot of difficult and bizarre stuff along the way. I highly recommend you give it a go and just see what stories you end up with.

i cannot for the life of me level up a character enough to where they can actually fight without them dying, fun game tho

How to describe Kenshi...

It's a RTS RPG Settlement-Builder set in a post-post-apocalyptic science-fantasy world.

It's got a lot of nice details, such as character animations changing based on their skill level, a beautifully desolate world with several different biomes, and a map just chock-full of things that want to kill and eat you, or enslave you, or peel your skin right off.

There's a vast research tree that I still haven't completed after ~250ish hours of play, ruins to explore, different cultures with their own norms.

It's not perfect, but an experienced player can probably find a way around any bugs that come up over the course of a playthrough.

The graphics aren't extremely special, but the wide open nature of the world and all the creatures within can account for that.

The devs have kept the game updated over the years, and seem to really enjoy their community.

Game's worth a try, especially if you like science-fantasy. I will probably keep it in my rotation until Kenshi 2 comes out someday.

This isn't really a game one can complete, I suppose, as it keeps going on and on. It also has no real objective. I've played some and it seemed okay. Since it has no ending and it's very difficult to really do anything, I'm parking this as complete. No point shelving it, as I've done what I wanted to do anyway.

mto bom, personalização de personagem massa, um mundo mto grande e divertido de explorar, a gameplay é legal e o jogo é bem otimizado

Kenshi is a game with poor graphics, glitchy mechanics and horrid performance. It is also tied for my favorite game of all time. There is something so alluring, so addictive about Kenshi that'll draw me back in for dozens of hours every year, and I can't put my finger on it. Would definitely recommend to just about anyone.

Systemic but clunky. Some man made this. He has some weird ideas and a vision. Could not play more than a few hours.