Reviews from

in the past

You never realise how much you take the boards for granted until their gone.

I like how even the description for this game on here uses "best" in quotations. Good idea in concept and the presentation and "polish" are up to regular Nintendo quality. The build quality of this game isn't the issue.

The games that this collection has, however, are weak as hell (the "randomly cut the rope" minigame appearing four times) and there's not much to unlock or see, really. Once you beat those games, there's not much left to this game collection. I'm a Mario Party Advance defender, and even I think this game is too weak to stand on its own. As of the time of writing this, this game still costs $50 USD and at no point should this game have been priced any higher than $5 USD.

Eight characters? Are you telling me you had no models laying around for anyone else? No online play, no bringing back previous boards (because it doesn't really play like a Mario Party game), just nothing but 100 of the easiest games to throw onto the Nintendo 3DS in 2017. They might have gotten away with this in the summer of 2011, but releasing such a hollow collection six years into the handheld's lifespan was brazen.

“Ah mario party superstar is so fun, I remember the top 100 it was the same game but worst”