Reviews from

in the past

ugh… this is supposed to be one of the best but i can’t stay interested long enough to finish jt

More fun than we thought it would be! The puzzles are pretty satisfying to crack, the story is genuinely engaging and the outcome made sense which is what you want from a mystery! There were some frustrating wander-until-you-do-the-right-thing moments, but we still really enjoyed it.

SO good and fun!! like many people, i expected a gothic castle, but the mansion works even better for the story. the puzzles here are quite easy, and i haven't had a single moment when i would wander aimlessly, not knowing what to do next, although this often happens to me in the nancy games. i love a good family drama, so i liked the character dynamics, and it was even fitting that almost all of the members of this wealthy family were really unpleasant (except, perhaps, wade? would i like to know more about this man?). the location is very small, but very atmospheric and really creepy. although the twist on why nancy sees ghosts will seem extremely banal to any horror/thriller fan, i think...

I've attempted this game so many times (and thus have the most hours on steam on this game). I always play with the intent to not use any hints or spoilers, but I can't help but always getting stuck somewhere along the way and it makes me feel bad :(
Despite how much I've played it, I don't care for the story or characters too much. The multiple endings is interesting but kinda sad because it result in peoples' deaths. What the heck Nancy.

most iconic game. the end reveal for why nancy sees ghosts is SOOO funny.
but flops bc i have to use gameboomers for a lot of the puzzles even tho ive done it multiple times
love exploration tho

i'm so excited that i'm going to start throwing up rainbows. this game has everything i could ever dream of. a fine line between mystery and horror! drama in a rich dysfunctional family! puzzles that are difficult enough to be interesting, but easy enough that you don't have to open google! a really intriguing story! locations with a slightly creepy atmosphere! THE OPPORTUNITY TO LITERALLY DIG INTO OTHER PEOPLE'S COFFINS! it's sooooooo good!!!