Reviews from

in the past

I remember this game had an immensely difficult time selling itself. A hexagonal comedy strategy game is a goddamn awesome idea on paper. But early versions of the game were buggy as hell and I would often find 50% playthrough saves would be erased with no reason.

It is also...not that fun in the later half of the game. Maybe keeping things short & simple would have worked out better for them.

However, the early game is a blast. Stamper's voice work carrying an entire game is not an easy feat, but that dude is talented for days in that regard. The charm and humor is off the charts.

I want to like it more, but there are so many bullshit units that exist purely for chaos that it muddles the game and doesn't allow the player to do much more than defensively maneuver around humorous, bullshit battles that take sheer luck to win sometimes. If the game wasn't framing itself as a serious strategy game, these elements would have worked better.

I don't even know what they were going for honestly. Still, there's really damn funny stuff in here.

Interesting strategy game with turn based combat.
Story is unique and pretty amusing, but you can expect something like that from The Behemoth.

mucho texto
Behemoth sempre entregando jogos divertidos mas acho que em quesito diálogo esse jogo exagerou um pouco
em certo ponto chega a ser irritando ficar ouvindo os personagens falando "blah bleh bluh" o tempo todo

Played this with a friend who was very enthusiastic about it and had already beaten it multiple times which made me think it was going to be a great game. It had everything going for it especially because I love Caste Crashers. However, after playing through the first few levels and getting through the first boss, I began to realise I had already gotten bored. For some weird reason, the combat lacks any cathartic feel, the enemies are mostly tanky and annoying, meaning each battle takes longer than it should. For the amount of time I played it, I felt that it was severely lacking depth as all you do is just move the characters around. When I found out how long it took to beat this game I wanted to abandon it as I could not force myself to endure the combat. Honestly, the writing is hilarious and the narrator is funny but alas, the story alone was not enough to keep me playing. I wish I could love this game as much as my friend does.

Súper divertido y entretenido de jugar. Un montón de clases y personajes, y encima facilito de entender

I'm surprised I didn't like this one more. I usually really like the Behemoth's games as well as strategy games, but something about this one just didn't stick with me like with Castle Crashers or Battleblock Theater. It's a good game, but it feels like it's lacking something.

The gameplay and combat is pretty slow. When you unlock more classes and characters is when it gets interesting but not by much. What's cool here is that the game is flexible enough to allow you to create a team consisting of any classes so you can do what you want. The main story battles introduced a lot of cool scenarios, but it feels like it's over before it even begins. After that, all that's left to do is many side quests and getting all the unlocks. There's tons, so you have lots to do if that's your thing. Personally, I was pretty much checked out after the main story ended and I did a few side quests after. I pretty much saw enough. Battles got way too easy. Mixing and mashing classes together to create wild teams and formations is fun at first but gets boring quick.

The music isn't really all the interesting here either. The only memorable tune was the song that played during a side quest where I was fighting robots in space or whatever.

If you like Behemoth and their games and humor, you'll probably like this. Not a bad game at all, but the weakest in their catalogue of really good games.

Classical Behemoth experience. Best in multiplayer.
It's fun trying out different team compositions.

really fun with a friend. could have been way more tho.

Es muy buen juego, pero creo que tiene algunos problemas de diseño, como que los combates se hacen algo largos y el daño que hacen los personajes es muy random. Vaya temazos.

i love the behemoth but i cannot get into this game no matter how hard i try

It's really good, but compared to other Behemoth games it requires a lot more time investment to get the most out of it, which isn't typically what I look for from this studio.

Fico extremamente triste que esse jogo foi "um fracasso" considerando os outros lançamentos da mesma empressa, sinceramente é o meu favorito e eu tenho muito carinho por ele. Eu nunca fui fã de jogos de turno mas esse em especial me fez ficar viciado. Ótimo jogo com um ótimo senso de humor e desenvolvimento de personagens.

Playing co-op can be very chaotically fun

good game to play coop but could've got more updates

I didnt redownload this game i just saw it was on sale and was reminded of how utterly depressing it was why is the behemoth just incapable of making their good ideas into good games you just had to make hexagonal fire emblem that i can play with my friend

I sent the game to the pit after having some fun

O JRPG de turno da “The Behemoth”